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This chapter may be the most wholesome one of the whole book so enjoy :)

Arriving in the ballroom that is in perfect shape again it is obvious that Dottore has a plan to try and cheer Pantalone up some more as Isabella knows about it and just walks over to to sit on the bench at the piano. Pantalone is a little confused as to why they are here since he thought they would go to his bedroom where they can talk while he is resting in bed yet feeling Dottore pulling him close and hold his hand he presses many kisses against his knuckles "it has been a while since we danced"

The regrator was confused at first but he smiles softly and lets Dottore kiss his knuckles and gives him a nod "it has. " he whispers because they are standing so close as he accually smiles brightly in the moment thinking back of when they danced last year so he holds Dottore his hand back placing his other hand on his shoulder. Yet when distracted Lucio manages to come in the ballroom unseen as he sits behind the piano setting his cane aside and starts to play for them.

Pantalone looks at the piano and looks at Lucio before he chuckles softly "i thought you were busy with work? you two are working together now?" he spoke watching how Lucio played and he is very talented at this.

"Just dance" the man spoke and continues to play smiling as he does this only to cheer Pantalone up.

Pantalone chuckles softly and shakes his head as he and Dottore would dance. It was nothing special due to Pantalone still being weak but they enjoyed it both. Both would talk and chuckle, laugh and smile "how did you convince him to do this for you?" He asks.

Dottore smiles softly and after what Pantalone has been trough. The loss he recently has he is happy he can still laugh and smile. "No convincing needed. He accually offered this idea and i am glad he did since now i can dance with you again. I never thought we would be able to do this again" he spoke resting his forehead against Pantalone his forehead.

When Dottore rests his forehead against his he closes his eyes truely enjoying this as he feels happy right now. He feels happy he is out of that relationship and came out of it alive as he is happy Dottore stays close to his side supporting him trough this process and he appreciates how patient he is with him. Pantalone can see how much growth the doctor has had as a person yet despite that he does not want to be in any type of relationship any time soon.
"Thank you for everything. You have been so patient with me even when i felt so much hatred towards you. You are so patient that you do not touch me in places i do not want you to touch. I will forever thank you for that and i will forever apologise for leaving you like that. For leaving you alone. I know you have night terrors and cannot sleep properly without me by your side so i cannot help but feel bad knowing that your mind is overstimulated when i was not around all that time." He whispers as they are so close their chests are pressed together aswell.

Dottore listens to him as he has a weak smile on his face since he does not want Pantane to thank him or apoligise to him. "I will do anything for you. I will kill for you, i will put my life on the line if that means you are safe, i will love you, i will comfort you, my soul is yours, my body is yours" he whispers and pulls back a little so he can look in Pantalone in his eyes when saying all of that "my heart is yours" he spoke and moves the hand of Pantalone that is resting in his shoulder onto his chest.

Pantalone feels his heartbeat as he blushes a dark red at what he is saying. How after him having almost killed him that day and ignored him for so long Dottore is still in love with him? Pantalone is speechless in the moment as he just looks in Dottore his eyes keeping his hand on Dottore his chest. It would not take long for Pantalone to rest his forehad back against Dottore his forehead having his eyes closed truely enjoying this moment they are having. The moment is romantic yet comforting in a way as all the terrible things are gone from Pantalone his head for in the moment as they now so slowed dance.

Love trough Madness [ Pantalone x Dottore ]Where stories live. Discover now