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A week has passed and a harbinger meeting would be held. Pantalone luckily is feeling better yet in this week due to Daemon caring for him and being so gentle he had fallen for him and hard so he came into the meeting smiling brighter then ever and sits in his usual spot. Dottore walks in and sits down besides him in his usual spot pressing a new bottle of medicine in his hands since during that week Pantalone had to take two pills a day instead of one for quicker recovery so he had to give a new bottle quicker then usual.

Pantalone puts it in the pocket of his coat as he gives a appreciative smile to Dottore "thank you" he whispers very silently only for Dottore to hear.

Everybody notices how happy Pantalone seemed as they find it odd since one meeting he is throwing scissors and the other he is smiling brightly as ever. The meeting went normally and smootly as Dottore and Pantalone accidentally would touch hands but despite Dottore knowing Daemon has Pantalone wrapped around his finger he cannot help but smile as eventually when Pantalone his energy started to deplead again Dottore took his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze to keep him awake as it resulted into them holding hands. Everytime Pantalone would close his eyes for a second longer then they usually should be closed he squeezes his hand waking Pantalone yet near the end of the meeting he hands Pantalone one of those pills who took it and after one more hour he seems a little more awake so he lets go of Dottore his hand and stands up to leave the meeting once it was finished not even saying goodbye to any of them since he had no time to loose since well-...he and Daemon would go out for dinner together.

Dottore had to go to Pantalone tomorrow anyways to enject him with said cure so he was not that hurt with not getting a goodbye from the other as he walks out with the Captain side by side "how is he?"

"Lucio? He is doing well i guess. We have not seen eachother in a while" the captain spoke as they are waiting for their carriages to arrive. He and Lucio had contact once in a while since well...the captain was the one that safed him afterall...

The Doctor wanted to tease the other so he grins looking up at him "oh so you two saw eachother often before that?"

The captain side eyes Dottore beneath the mask as he just crosses his arms not having time for this childish drama today as he is very displeased and unamused "you are bold today...are you sure you want to continue this conversation?"

Dottore nods to let the other know he wants to continue it finding it quite amusing himself "well yes lets continue-..."

"Continue with what?" Childe asks joining to stand with them with a smile on his face.

Both the much higher rank harbingers stare at Childe like it was a literal child talking to them so they seem disintrested when Childe joined their conversation since they do not see him as a equal. "We had a lovely conversation. The captain has a little crush " Dottore spoke as he continues to tease.

The captain shakes his head as this truely is a pathetic attempt to start a rumor as he sees his carriage arrive " and Dottore was talking to me how he jacks off to imagining sucking him off while they are broken up for a almost a full year. " he spoke out of the blue and enters his carriage not saying one more word as of course this is a lie...he just gave Dottore a taste of hisbown medicine and with the tone he said it at was rather funny.

Dottore looks at the captain shocked as he was speechless yet hearing Childe burst out into laughter...more so watching him cry due laughter Dottore glares at the red head "that is not true-..."

Childe needs a long while to compose himself as he wipes the tears away letting out a chuckle when doing so " right-...and i am the highest ranking harbinger" he spoke implying that he thinks Dottore is lying yet seeing Dottore want to grip the back of his neck he quickly gets in his carriage.

Love trough Madness [ Pantalone x Dottore ]Where stories live. Discover now