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Intering the house Isabella remains quiet like ordered by Dottore and sticks close to him keeping hold of his pinky as they walked but seeing Daemon, Dottore takes hold of Isabella her hand almost in a protective manner before they walk up the stairs "that was that bad man" he whispers to inform Isabella of the man he spoke off earlier. In the hallway Pantalone walks out of the bedroom not seeing Dottore and the child he brought along yet but Dottore and Isabella did see him. It feels like it has been forever since Isabella saw her father so she could not contain her excitement of seeing him and lets go of Dottore his pinky and runs to Pantalone jumping into his arms and hugs him like she always used to do.

Pantalone hears the running but did not expect for this child to jump into his arms yet instinctively he wraps his arms around the child to catch the child yet despite him wrapping his arms around the child in that moment he flinched at the first contact since he recently he is a little jumpy when it comes to physical contact. Confused he looks up at Dottore who seems a little annoyed.

Dottore lifts Isabella off Pantalone and sets her onto the ground shooting her a glare before he stares at Pantalone "sorry, my new patient is a fan of yours...i told her to contain herself but she cant behave..." he speaks saying this as a excuse and in truth it is a terrible excuse.

Pantalone looks at Dottore wondering why he brought a patient here since he would never do that let alone a child. "It is quite alright. It is odd to see you walk calmly with a child" he spoke and walks back in the bedroom knowing why Dottore is here as he takes the emty bottle and hands it back as he gets a new one handed back to him. He just sits on the edge of the bed his arms feeling weak from last night from blocking those attacks yet despite that he is surprsied he had the strength to catch this patient of Dottore. Something about the hug feels very familiar yet he does not want to think to much about it since many children probably hug somebody like that when they are excited to meet them or see them again.

"I find it odd aswell" Dottore spoke and watches how Isabella sits down on a chair in the corner of the room. Dottore walks to him and reaches up to Pantalone to guide his face to the side by holding his chin yet when he did so Pantalone turns away and flinched. Dottore knows Daemon had slapped him yesterday yet seeing Pantalone turn like this he sees the extra later of product on Pantalone his skin as he knows it is covering something. Was it a bruise? "Come to the bathroom with me" he spoke and walks to the bathroom grabbing a soft wash cloth dampening it with lukewarm water and puts some soap onto it. Pantalone was confused but he followed him his heart beating fast since he thought he would be hit yet seeing it was nothing he just now stands infront of Dottore.
"I am going to take your glasses off" he spoke so that Pantalone could expect what he was doing but when he reached up Pantalone takes hold of Dottore his wrist "dont... I am fine just inject me and leave please. Your patient is waiting. "

(Dottore: i can enject you with something else shawty

Sjsjs jk jk jk)

Dottore puts the wash cloth down and grows angry as he lets out a deep sigh "what did that sick bastard do to you? Why do you act like it is fine...you just flinched with me wanting to touch you. No mather what happened you have never done that to anybody before. Did he hit you again?"

Isabella would hear the conversation despite them whispering as she grows upset. Who could ever hit her father? She just stands up and leaves the room going to find Daemon and upon finding him she tugs onto his coat to get his attention. Daemon turns around and smiles down at her crouching down to her height smiling sweetly at her "what can i help you with young little lady?" He spoke yet what happened next he was shocked as it took some time for him to process since the little girl hit him in his face. It was not hard for obvious reasons since Isabella has never punched somebody before so she was scared yet when she saw the man give her a grin he straightens up and grabs the back of her collar and picks her up that way carrying up the staires and enters the bedroom.

Love trough Madness [ Pantalone x Dottore ]Where stories live. Discover now