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After coming back to his office it was already dark outside and most workers are already at home.
Pantalone just turns the lights back on and takes his cloak and coat off but turning around to walk back to his office to pack up for today he sees Dottore still sitting there. He was to tired to be annoyed as he has been masking the illness fairly well but like mentioned Dottore would enject him each week so for him to not have this cure for a couple of months his health surely has gone backwards. "You truely must be desperate" he spoke still not looking him in the eyes as he just goes to the desk and puts the papers in right place until everything is cleaned up.

Dottore had stayed there knowing that Pantalone does not want to leave his desk a mess at the end of the day so he knew he would be coming back here and he knows they are all alone in the office with nobody that would interupt them. "If you hate me so much then treat me like any of your clients." He spoke and walks over to the Pantalone sitting down in one of the two chairs infront of the desk.

Pantalone has his back facing Dottore because he was putting some papers in the right spot in a closet so when he heard that he takes a deep breath balling his hands up in a fist, closing his eyes to think for a moment but when he has made his decision he turns back around and walks over to Dottore sitting in his own chair on the opposite side of the desk this time looking in his *eyes* since well... Dottore is still wearing his mask.
"Fine. Have it your way. I will treat you like one of my clients so ....what do you want. Money it was? How much Mora do you need?"

Seeing these purple eyes look at him again it feels like electricity running trough Dottore his body as he cannot help but smile at the other "like before. Anything that i need and i will pay it back in a week time. If i have not paid it back in a week. You can kill me." He spoke tilting his head a little looking at the other his face. But mostly in his eyes now that they had eye contact.

Pantalone clenches his jaw as he accually did regret throwing those scissors at the time or wanting to stab Dottore. He hates him yes but he does not want him dead so he takes a pen and some paper writing down the conditions they had before where Dottore can get anything he wanted as long as he pays it back. "We will do it as before. I wont kill you since i will not lower myself to your level...so the best i can do is for you to repay me whenever you can yet if you borrow more when paying back you have to pay everything back at once... other then that leave me alone...i do not want to see you anymore" he spoke writing more things down before beneath it on one of the two lines he puts his own signature before he moves the paper over the table aswell for placing the pen besides it so that Dottore can sign it aswell.

The doctor looks at Pantalone for a good moment before he looks at the paper. In truth he did not come here for the money, it was a excuse so that he can see Pantalone yet he picks up the pen and signs it anyways "how is h-..."

"Dont-..." Pantalone spoke giving Dottore a sharp glare and takes the paper letting the ink dry before he stands back up and puts it in that closet where many more contracts and paperwork is.
"You can leave now"

The man stands up and gives the other a nod. There was this tension and they can sense it both. Both miss eachother as part of them accepts the situation yet the other part of them wants for them to be together again.
Dottore just walks over to Pantalone and takes his hand yet the other pulls it back. Both stood there looking down but when Dottore reaches out again to Pantalone his hand this time he did not pull back yet when The Doctor raises his hand to his lips he once more wanted to pull away yet he didnt...he couldnt.

Dottore would press a gently kiss against his knuckles like how he always used to do as this moment seems bittersweet since because of the contract they had now Dottore had to leave Pantalone alone. The man lets go of the other his hand and turns away walking to the exit "goodbye wife " he spoke referring to that time they joked about Pantalone being his wife yet he said that because Pantalone is still wearing the wedding ring. Knowing he has not taken it off it gives Dottore some hope.

Love trough Madness [ Pantalone x Dottore ]Where stories live. Discover now