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This chapter is Dottore his pov before he will pick Pantalone up from Liyue.
Yes this chapter contains torture. We are speaking of Dottore of course there would be. Eventually he does arrive in liyue in this chapter XD

Having left the home very early he enters the abandoned mansion as he goes to the ballroom having the brightest smile on his face as he watches Lucio lay on the ground in his own blood shaking from the pain as he is covered in all kinds of wounds, covered head till toe in his own blood. After the guard had punched Dottore, Dottore did not hold back anymore as he would ruin his body each minute of the day almost. Crouching down he pushes the sticky wet hair out of the man his face as it was sticky from the blood. He looks at how messed up he made the other, his beautiful face being covered in blood  made it all so more amusing for Dottore especially when the guard flinched against his touch and was frightened by the other.

Dottore had completely broken him as that was his goal. A slow, painfull and traumatising death. "Ah you are awake...splendid" he grins and lets go of the other his face before he stands up to put his doctor equipment on. He returns to the other and crouches down besides him and looks at the other his ankle that he broke not long ago "does it still hurt?" He spoke and grabs the hammer. Receiving no awnser from the other he raises the hammer in the air before he brings it back down onto his ankle which had the man screaming in pain as bone went trough his skin now sticking out of the other which resulted into his foot bleeding. Dottore looks at the bone sticking out as he chuckles but it ended up into laughter "how beautiful your bones are. Naturally they can be a little yellow toned yet yours are that perfect bone white color...you truely are something else hm? If i do not get the bone back into you and in place i am afraid i have to amputate-..." he traces the hammer up the other his shin to his knee as gives him that typical fucked up smile "right below the knee. I can do it with such ease...the question is if i want to do it?" He grins looking back at the bone sticking out of the other as he just takes the shaking quivering hand of Lucio and he holds the other his hand gently inspecting it as even when holding his hand to try and keep it still he feels it shake, he sees it shake as occasionally the other his body twitches as he cries. Dottore smiles at him and is honestly impressed he is not dead yet by sheer pain. "Everything was perfect dont you see? This is your own fault...you got comfortable around the man that i love and you got your confidence back yet now.. you are trembling like a new born deer. "He spoke and lets go of the other his hand letting it drop to the ground.

The guard had no strength or hope left so why should he try and be carefull with what he says. The pain of his ankle is beginning to numb as he is getting used to it. Managing to look up at Dottore he feels like he is dying, he feels anger, sadness and all of the emotions yet he does not give up quickly. "You do not love him...do not give him hope where there is none-..."

"Talkative now are we?!" Dottore laughs and sits on the ground with his arms resting onto his knees "i did not think you could speak anymore. Seems you still are defending him despite him hating you...the only friend you made in years you have lost " he spoke placing a hand onto his cheek before he slaps the prisoner as hard as he possible could across the face "i should have cut out your tongue yet that is still a possible option for later..." Dottore spoke looking at the blood covered hammer "how i want to bash your skull in...watch your brains explode...watch you die at my hands."

Unknowing to Dottore the guard had grabbed a large shart of glass and instead of stabbing Dottore he makes a swift move for his own neck. Out of relflex Dottore moves his hand to cover the man his neck as the shard stabs his hand instead of the man his neck. Both just stare shocked at eachother but a grin soon grows onto his face "my- my-...i almost pity you. You fail at protecting your family, your second family, Pantalone and now you fail to kill yourself to make to process of death so much quicker. You truely are pathetic" he stands up and from a device the harbingers could contact eachother from which would go much faster then letters Dottore picks up the sort of call extremely annoyed. "I am busy ..."

Love trough Madness [ Pantalone x Dottore ]Where stories live. Discover now