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Like agreed a week later Dottore shows up to the large manor to take care of poor sick Isabella. A maid opens the front door lowering her head not wanting to look him in the eyes but Dottore simply enters the home not giving the maid a glance, not even breathing in her direction as he simply goes upstaires to Isabella her room and yes...there they were both Isabella and Pantalone. The man was sitting on the bed looking at his daughter who was coughing non-stop as eventually even caughed up some blood but it came on nobody since she has a handkerchief in her hand, infront of her mouth to cough into.

Pantalone stands up when he hears the door open and he walks over to Dottore "her condition is worse then last time...it has depleted fast. "He sighs and glances at his daughter before he looks up at Dottore "safe her...if you do not do it for me, or her do it for yourself...i will owe you..."

Dottore looks at the girl before he turns to look at Pantalone knowing that he will not leave, knowing he will stay to make sure Dottore was doing everything perfectly which he honestly is fine with, it is understandable. Dottore just approaches Isabella and places a gentle hand onto her head giving her a smile "i will get you better..." he spoke before he starts to lay everything out. He knows that Pantalone said not to hurt her, no surgery but at this stage it is necessary so he goes to Pantalone who is sitting in a chair in the corner of the room anxious, nervous... possible at the verge of tears. The doctor takes his hands and crouches down infront of him looking up at the other "I need to perform surgery...it has to do with her lungs, they are expanding which causes her chest to be in pain, it causes the ribs to not be able to truely hold them as her ribs and lungs are pressing against eachother each time she breathes which results in bruising, which results into coughing up blood. Because she is in such pain that is why she cannot eat resulting to weigthloss and fatigue...i have to perform it...she will have a chance of survival if i do so"

Pantalone listens to the other, listening to of what he all was saying and but at the end Pantalone was shocked? Surprised? "A chance? N-no no she will survive...i need her to survive Dottore"

"I know...i know...i will try my best but if you give me permission then i would like you to leave the room since things can get gruesome ...i know you are used to it but this is your daughter we are speaking of...this kind of gruesome you should not see" Dottore spoke looking up at the other still carressing his knuckles the reasure him...to try and calm him. "I know it is impossible but go to work...you will have some distraction. When you get home i will be done and she will be resting...can you do that for m-..." he lets out a soft sign knowing Pantalone would not do it for him so he thinks of something else "for her?"

Pantalone glances over Dottore looking at the young girl before he looks back down at Dottore "this is your last chance i will grant you my trust. Do not dissapoint me..." he spoke and stands up but as he does so so does Dottore as both now look at Isabella. The harbinger just wishes he could hold his little girl for comfort, hold her and tell her he can make her better all while knowing he can't, knowing only Dottore can as he was their last hope. Letting go of Dottore he hands he just walks out of the room not looking at anybody as he just goes to work. Walking out of the home, getting in the carriage he takes his glasses off and covers his face with his hands just breaking down right then and there just hoping she will be alright. The last few weeks have been incredible stressfull for him so as soon as he gets to the bank he just goes to his office locking himself up there not doing any work as he just cries...and cries and cries having to let it all out because Pantalone bottles most of his emotions up...especially when it came to Isabella...his only daughter, the only person he would do anything for and for now to just be able to loose her? No...he couldn't, because then he would loose himself, he will loose his sanity.

It has been a couple of hours that Pantalone had locked himself up in his office...he did not eat breakfast or lunch as he was to nervous and anxious to do so...he also could not bring himself to get home since he feared the worse. He was so zoned out and out of it in the moment he did not hear somebody call out to him untill the voice finally came trough to him he looks up at the door he just walks over and unlocks it before he goes to the window behind his desk standing there and looking outside, mostly so nobody could see his face.

Love trough Madness [ Pantalone x Dottore ]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin