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This chapter will be more so Dottore his pov.
This chapter will also be gruesome (abuse & torture) so if you cannot handle anything of that please skip this chapter:)

Waking up three hours after they had sex Dottore opens his eyes looking at the sleeping Pantalone with his red eyes scanning over his features not even smiling in the moment as his expression is neutral. He just moves a hairlock out of the other his face having a twisted grin growing on his face as he places a kiss on the man his forehead. He is about to stand up to get dressed he grips onto the bed post since his back almost gave up on him which caused him to let out a soft grunt. Looking over his shoulder at Pantalone he knows he caused it not that long ago so he just chuckles shaking his head not thinking Pantalone could do such a thing. The doctor gets himself dressed as he leaves the room without leaving a letter or anything to let the other know where he went. He just enters the guard his bedroom and like promised he wont be able to see Pantalone ever again as the torturing process would start soon. Dottore from a bag grabs a syringe and some fluid. Putting the fluid in the syringe he pushes the liquid out just a little so no air could enter the other his neck. Flicking the syringe twice he injects the other  in his neck with it as the fluid would make the other go unconscious for a long period of time so moving him would be easier. Being injected with the fluid causes the guard to jolt up in bed as he grips onto Dottore his arms looking up at him. He was not wearing his mask so they would make direct eye contact as the last moments he could see was Dottore grinning down at him. The doctor watches how the guard passes out so he snaps his fingers as those two Fatui agents enter the room to help the doctor move the guard to the location where the torturing would take place. Dottore uses their fear of him to make them help him as he knows they will not tell anybody because of that. The two agents feel bad for the guard, for Pantalone the both manage to carry the man to a carriage laying him down inside of it. Dottore sits inside of it looking at the guard tilting his head "why was he so interested in you ..." he spoke and with his foot he moves some hair out of the other his face to look at his face. He looks at the sharp strong features with a smile on his face knowing that anybody could fall head over heals for him even with that ugly scar across his face. The fatui agents would take the carriage to the location where the torturing will happen...the old castle like mansion, Lucio his old home he took Pantalone to. The agents would drag the passed out man trough the abandoned building feeling scared themselves since every agent knows what happened here...it does not help that Dottore is walking right behind them. "To your left..." he spoke and the agents listened dragging the man into the large ballroom as they look at the chains that have been installed in the floor as they look very new compared to everything else. They just put the metal collar on the guard his neck taking a quick glance at his face now that they still could before they leave.

Dottore just looks down at the man with a grin on his face before he kicks him hard in his stomach which had the guard waking up having to cough because of that. Wanting to stand up he realises he couldnt because of the metal collar and chains at his neck. He couldnt even sit up...
Dottore smiles down at him before he kicks him again to make the other fall back down to the ground before he puts his foot on his cheek to make his face pinned down to the ground. "Here is where your miserable pathetic life truely started...and here is where it will end." He spoke removing his foot from the other his face before he walks to a table where tools are still left from when people installed the chains. He walks back to the guard with the tool box crouching down besides him as he takes out a knife cutting the shirt and pants of the other since he had to see where all the muscles and bones would be exactly located. Dottore looks down at the other his muscled body but he also looks at the scars onto them caused by him which does make him smile knowing he would remember what he did to him. He grabs a hammer from the tool box and looks at the end where you are supposed the hit the nail with and the end where you can pull the nail out with before he looks at the guard who lays on the ground still drugged up so he barely is awake at the moment. "What should i do first with you..." he grins to himself as he scans the other his body before his eyes land on the other his ankle which makes him get that well known twisted grin onto his face "ah-...there " he spoke and grips the guard his calf carressing his ankle with his thumb to sooth it. He did this untill the guard would wake up more but as he watches the guard his eyes look him in the eyes the doctor looks outside of the window to see how bright it was outside so he can estimate the time "good morning Corlucioun Hellebore"

Love trough Madness [ Pantalone x Dottore ]Where stories live. Discover now