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The next morning when Dottore woke up because the morning light is shining onto his face he slowly sits up to look around where he was since this was the first time he has slept in a very long time so his senses are thrown off a little. Looking around he sees he is in Pantalone his bedroom which immitatly makes him look down at the other man asleep in the bed. Staring at him he reaches out to move a hair lock out of his face but when he did so his hand touches his forehead as he can feel Pantalone is burning up. He did come in yesterday not wearing his cloak so perhaps he has gotten a cold that way but it is nothing alarming at the moment so the harbinger did not think much of it so he simply stands up, tucks the sleeping man in more...hesitating he eventually gives a kiss onto his forehead and puts his mask on before he leaves the room only for a fatui agent to walk up to him to inform him about the situation about the clones. "They are all in the building sir. The doors are locked and they have nowhere to go. What do you wish to do with them?" The agent asks as they are prepared to do anything Dottore wishes.

Dottore did not have to think twice as he simply keeps walking not looking back at the agent "burn it down..." he spoke and continues to walk going outside to look in the distance. The order was spread quickly as Dottore watches from afar seeing the flames come above the trees and even though it was just lit the fire already was incredible big. He knows his hard work is gone now but he felt not emotional about it as instead there is a smile growing onto his face by imagining how they would scream. He did raise a brow when he feels somebody take his hand while standing besides him so turning to look at the person he looks down at Isabella keeping that smile onto his face "hello little one"

She just looks at the fire aswell seeming to be worried. "These big fires are dangerous are they not?"

"Well yes but that is no concern of yours since you are not there now are you? " he spoke and turns to look back at the fire far in the distance wishing be could see it up close, wishing he could hear the screams.

"But...people will get hurt"

"Ah yes...if something like that happens, a large fire... people are bound to get hurt little Isabella.  When you grow up you will understand" he spoke before he turns to walk back inside "your father is feeling a little sick. Can you ask the head maid to make him something to eat"

The young girl just sighs and walks back with Dottore holding onto his hand and tries to keep up with his pace since her legs are little and he can make bigger steps "he has only had one meal in the past four days. He refuses to eat when i was sick..."

Hearing that Dottore stops in his tracks growing a little angry why Pantalone would do that. "Go to your room now sweet girl...i will take care of him. " he spoke and lets go of her hand so he can rush to Pantalone his bedroom entering without knocking but all he sees is the other still is in bed, still asleep. It caused him to calm down as it is better to approach this situation a little more calmly. Walking to Pantalone his bedside he sits down on the edge of it taking his gloves off and feels his temperature once more as he checks his pulse afterwards but as he does to the other shifts and wakes up.

Opening his eyes the first thing he sees is Dottore yet his eyes have to adjust to get a clear image of the other since his vision was blurry just now. "What is it?" He mumbles burrying his face in the pillow since the light at the moment is a little to bright for him.

The doctor looks down at him displeased which led to Pantalone asking that question. " why are you not eating? First you wrote me a letter for me to give you a suggestion to help you with the lack of sleep and now this."

The other who just woke up barely was able to process what Dottore just said but soon enough he sits up fixing his robe up so that his bare chest was not fully exposed "i am worried and stressed that is all. I just get lost in thought, loose track of time and then i forget things. Mostly because i was worried of Isabella"

Love trough Madness [ Pantalone x Dottore ]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang