Chapter Fifty Nine

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Fantasia's POV

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Fantasia's POV

I was having a great time at at Club Color Purple, as Blitz so cleverly named it for the night, dancing with Ciara and Danielle, until Taraji showed up. The sight of her instantly put a sour taste in my mouth. It annoyed me how good she looked. I can't decide now if she's more fuck—able in a suit or a dress. The woman couldn't look bad even if she tried. She's perfect, but right now I'm pissed at her. It seems like she only wants me when I'm verbally abusing her and being rough with her, but when I give her that, she cries about me being toxic and no good for her. When I try to show her affection and tenderness, as I did the other night with the song I wrote for her, she turns me down. I don't know what the hell she wants, and I don't think she knows either. Quite frankly, I'm tired of trying to figure it out. She knows where I stand and what I want. The ball is in her court now, and I have to stay on the sidelines and let her do whatever she's going to do. I'm done chasing waterfalls. I'm tired of chasing her. I want to be chased for once. She better lace up her running shoes.

She stopped to talk to Colman and Corey, and it seemed like she was purposefully avoiding me. Danielle was watching me watching her. Nothing ever gets past her. It's why she stays in the middle of our situations.

Danielle: Damn, T looks good as fuck. Are you going to talk to her?

Fantasia: No. I'm going to wait for her to talk to me, and if she doesn't, then we just won't talk. I'm done begging her to give me her time and attention. I have a lot more going on in my life than just Taraji P. Henson. I have a baby coming and my first big studio film is about to come out. Everything isn't about her anymore. It never should've been. My mistake was putting her on a pedestal above everything else, but I won't let it happen again.

Danielle: Well that's a drastic change of tune. It seems like the dynamics are shifting between you two. Do you think she's going to fight as relentlessly for you as you did for her? You always went hard for her. Do you think she's going to go hard for you?

Fantasia: I don't know. She calls herself dating her former nurse of all people. She feels like I haven't changed enough, but I feel like she's changed too much. I'm seeing her take on the same behavior and traits that she claimed to dislike in me.

Danielle: She's turning into you. So how are you going to handle someone who acts just like you?

I didn't have much time to think about an answer for Danielle's question, because within the blink of an eye, Taraji was walking towards us. She had a confidence and easiness in her stride that made me start thinking wild thoughts. Her legs look amazing. I bet they would look even better if I wore them as a necklace. I'm not going to say that to her face, though, because as I said before I'm through going after her. She talked to only Danielle and Ciara for what felt like forever, and then she bounced around to Halle and Gabrielle before even simply just acknowledging my presence. I knew what game she was playing. I invented the game. You can't play the coach, and Taraji is going to find that out the hard way. I'm done writing songs for her. She can use the paper I wrote them on to wipe her tears because she will be crying very soon if she keeps testing me like I'm a college student during midterms week.

Taraji: Tasia, you look really good tonight. I hope I didn't say that loud enough for Kendall to hear.

Fantasia:*rolls eyes* Kendall isn't here tonight.

Taraji: For all I know he's outside hiding in the bushes, waiting to pop up on us again like he did the other night.

Fantasia: He's at a father-daughter dance at Keziah's preschool, so you can stop with the shade-throwing.

Taraji: You call it throwing shade, I call it telling the truth.

Fantasia: Why don't you tell the truth about what you really want? You only want me when I'm not there for you. You hate when I try to love you, and you love when I try to hate you. You want me to be soft when I'm aggressive, and you want me to be aggressive when I'm soft. You're confusing the fuck out of me and I'm tired of playing this cat and mouse game with you.

Taraji: Why so hostile? This is supposed to be a fun night, so let's have fun. Dance with me.

Fantasia: With all these people here that we work with watching us?

Taraji: It's just two friends dancing. What's the big deal?

Before I could refuse her advances, she grabbed my wrist and lead me out onto the floor. She got behind me and grabbed me by my waist, pulling me flush against her body and holding me in place. The club lights bounced off of us in the darkness, but I don't think anybody could really see us. Her hands traveled down from my waist to the flesh between my thighs. I rubbed my ass against her, laying back against her chest a little. She smacked and caressed my booty like she was getting ready to marinate a turkey. I bit my lip, subtly shaking my ass on her.

Fantasia: We're going to make a scene if we keep going.

Taraji: We've already made a movie tohether. A scene is nothing. I know another movie we could make together.

Fantasia: Oh, yeah? What's in the script?

Taraji: Your moans and screams.

I was thrown off kilter by how she was asserting her dominance that she's never had before. She hasn't been the same since she got out of the hospital after suffering through that whole ordeal with Stephanie the fake therapist. She's reckless now, and she gives me more a challenge than she used to. I can't decide if I'm attracted to it or turned off by it. I'm used to being the one with all the control. She's finally coming into her own with her sexuality, but it's causing more problems.

Fantasia: I thought you were done with me?

Taraji: You and I both know I could never be done with you.

Fantasia: What about your little nurse?

Taraji: What about her? We're dating and we like each other, but that's it. I'm a single woman, and you are no longer happy with your husband. We could make a transaction, give each other what we both know we need.

Fantasia: Once you give it to me and let me get it, you're just going to take it all away again.

Taraji: What's yours can't be taken from you, and I'm yours tonight. I booked a hotel room for us tonight.

I stayed silent, letting her kiss on my neck, although to everyone else in the room it just looked like she was hugging me. She really is becoming just like me. They say that opposites attract. I wonder what they say about people who are too much alike.

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