Chapter Eleven

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Taraji's POV

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Taraji's POV

I made Kelvin take his dirty shoes off before allowing him to come into my house. I'll be damned if he scuffs up my birch-stained hardwood floors. I barely wanted him on my furniture because the man just looked so unkempt and unclean, but he also looked like he would fall to his knees if I made him stand. I'm still just processing the fact that the man who used to make me feel so weak and helpless is now coming to me, begging me for my help. For awhile I just sat across from him in silence, my nails digging into the armrest of the couch. It felt like I was going to rip the leather open. I'm trying to be strong in front of him and show that he doesn't affect me anymore, but I can't. Looking into his soulless eyes is bringing up so many bad memories that I tried to repress. The scars he left me weren't just physical. As a matter of fact, the mental ones hurt worse. They take longer to heal.

Taraji: Wow, you really look pathetic Kelvin.

Kelvin: I know, baby.

Taraji: I told you to stop calling me that. Why are you here? What do you want from me?

Kelvin: Your help.

I couldn't help but to laugh in his face. He looked so hurt, like a homeless that had been kicked time and time again. I remember when he used to make me feel like that. For the longest time, I was his biggest cheerleader. I would have been willing to help him with anything, but the only thing he thought me to be useful for was a punching bag.

Kelvin: My life has gone to shit ever since you left me. My team dropped me and no other team wants me. I've been forced into an early retirement. The only support I find is in the bottom of a bottle.

Taraji: I was your support, but you didn't want me holding you down, because that would have meant that I would be the one with the strength. You wanted me broken and fragile, and for a long time, you got what you wanted. You talk as if I just walked out on you, but the truth is that you pushed me out the door. You would have killed me.

Kelvin: I would have never.

Taraji: I also thought that you would have never put your hands on me, but you showed me just how wrong I was. I have nothing left for you, Kelvin. You wasted your time coming here.

The fact that I was talking to him without shaking and crying was a testament to my growth. If I was the same woman that used to love him, I would have been holding him in my arms by now, offering him a warm place to sleep in my bed.

Kelvin: I've lost everything. I'm begging you, please Raji.

Taraji: I remember when I used to beg you for a lot of things. See one thing about those tables, they turn really fast. I used to beg you not to hit me. I used to beg you not to choke me out against the wall. I used to beg you not to stomp on my stomach when I was pregnant with your child. Looking back, I thank God that I didn't get to bring a baby made by you into this world. I used to beg you not to entertain women right in front of my face. I begged and begged and begged, and you loved the shit. I don't owe you a damn thing. You may have lost everything, and rightfully so, but it's clear that you're still holding onto your audacity.

Kelvin: I know that I hurt you, I know. But I started going to therapy and I've been talking to the lady. I'm trying to change for you. Please, Taraji.

He got down on his knees in front of me, grabbing my hand. I flinched and snatched my hand away from him. How can he afford to go to therapy when he's unemployed? The lies never stop with him. The longer I look at him on his knees, the angrier I get. I am not moved at all.

Taraji: You did more than hurt me, Kelvin! You violated me! It wasn't enough that you nearly fucking killed me! You brought your side bitch into my house and fucked her right in front of me, and then your sadistic ass allowed her to assault me while I was tied down to the bed that we shared! I still have scratch marks down there from her fucking nails! And instead of stopping her, you recorded it like my trauma was entertaining to you! That was the most fucked up thing anybody had ever done to me, and I've never been the same since! You ruined love for me! You made something so beautiful so ugly, just like how you tried to make me ugly with all the bruises and scars you inflicted on me. You wanted to make it so that no man would ever want me again. You wanted to ruin me, and I'll admit that you did back then, but that was then and this is now. I can stand with my head held high, while all you can do is grovel on the ground. You're dirt under my shoe, and I don't like dirt in my house, so you need to get the fuck out.

Kelvin: You fucking bitch! YOU should be the one on your knees, begging ME not to leave! Yeah I might have beat your ass, but you deserved it, and at least I gave you something to feel. You were a pitiful, depressed hollow shell of a woman before you met me and you still are! Now you have the nerve to sit in front of me on your high horse as if you're better than me. You couldn't stop telling the world about me.

Taraji: That was before I knew that you're a psychotic, sick fuck and I see that nothing has changed! Because of what you did to me, you'll never know happiness again. Everything you try to build will crumble.

Kelvin: I'm going downhill, but I'll be damned if I don't take you down with me. I gave you life. Without me, you shouldn't be able to live.

The Kelvin I knew was finally making his grand appearance. Within a matter of minutes he went from begging me to take him back to threatening to kill me. I was waiting on his true colors to show, and he delivered.

Taraji: Get out of my house, Kelvin. I won't say it again.

I was trying to keep my tone even and measured, but my hands were trembling at my sides. As low and worthless as he is, he still has so much power over me in terms of fear.

Kelvin: If you want me out, put me out. Come on Taraji. You're so big and bad right? Can't nobody tell you shit, right? Come on and put me out then.

He stood up, towering over me. I stood up too, my eyes only coming up to his chest. For him to be out of the league, he looks like he hasn't missed a day of working out. He could easily overpower me, we both know it. My only choices now are fight or flight.

Kelvin:*chuckles* Look at you, still so small and weak. You were always submissive, especially in the bed. I bet you still tight as fuck. How long has it been, baby? I bet nobody has touched you since me. Every time I got up inside you, it was like fucking a virgin. Tight as fuck...

He trailed off, licking his lips as his eyes hungrily wandered over my body. At that point I was feeling very scared and backed into a corner. I felt naked even though I was fully clothed. I backed away from him until my body met a wall. Kelvin was on me instantly, a predator ready to attack its prey. He wrapped his huge hand around my throat, applying just enough pressure to make my eyes water.

Taraji: K-Kelvin, p-please-

Kelvin: Now look who's begging.

He threw me to the floor and my head bounced off of it, rendering me delirious. White spots began to dot my vision. My phone started to ring and I gathered enough strength to reach for it. It was Fantasia. I answered it, but the only sound I managed to get out was a scream before everything went black.

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