Season 2 Episode 38 - Terror at the Waterfront (Part 1)

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I was feeling wistful about the past, so I decided to invite the other Guardians over to come study for the day. Since I had a swimming pool at home, we would study in the morning, and swim in the afternoon. It was a warm Saturday, prime time for that kind of activity. We all had an English Setwork test on William Shakespeare's Macbeth on Monday morning, so it was better if we helped each other out.
"So, what do the witches in the beginning of the play symbolise?" Margot looked over at Dylan.
"They symbolise..." Dylan was struggling to construct their answer. They're quite adorable when they're thinking really hard. "The witches symbolise the darkness that Macbeth lost himself to throughout the play."
Later in the day, we finished with a bunch of the work and decided to get in the pool a bit early. It felt great to just lounge around in some water like normal kids who weren't being chased around by the press or a group of super villains for once. We needed this break.
"Ollie, can you come in here, please?" My mother called from the living room.
"Coming!" I jumped out of the pool, wrapped a towel around my body and slowly went inside.
"Check this out." My mother gestured toward the television screen before her with the remote in her hand. She put up the volume so that I could hear the sound better.
"Breaking News: Terror and havoc run rampant as Votaries have stormed the V&A Waterfront in Cape Town. We are yet to hear confirmation of the arrival of the Guardians on the scene. I'm Ursula Hammond with Cape News."
"I'd better go tell the others." I dropped the towel and walked back out into the backyard. Everyone else had already gotten out of the pool and were standing ready for me to join them.
"We already know." Dylan said. "Agnes just told us. We have to get moving."
"Magia!/Element Summon!" We transformed and flew over the city to find the Waterfront in Cape Town. Within half-an-hour, we were outside the entrance to the mall that led to the main Harbour. We ran in through the entrance and kept moving through all the twists and turns of the main corridor. We went out onto the Main Harbour only to see that the reporters were right, the place was in shambles. It wasn't long before Incerta reared her ugly face around the corner of one of the boatsheds.
"How nice of you to join us for our festivities." Incerta had an eerily cheerful smile on her face. "We were just about to ring for you and yet, here you are. We do have a special surprise for you though." Incerta gestured to a large object behind her and her squad of Votaries.
"It's a pod." Margot's eyes widened.
"You kiddies might recognise this old thing from last year." Incerta continued. "Here's how our little game works: See that meter over there on the front of the pod? That meter is filled by all the Votaries that you defeat. The more you squash, the more power you unleash and power up the pod. And if you get it right, you just might get an extra special surprise from the pod. Understood?" Incerta's smile turned more maniacal than ever.
"Fine, we'll play your little game." Alec stepped forward. "Just don't say we didn't warn you when we have you on the ropes.

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