Season 2 Episode 24 - Unstable

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Margot, Oliver and Eric were all on different beds in the MedBay.
"It seems to me like all three of them are experiencing the same symptoms." As usual, Agnes was right. Fevers, migraines, dizziness, glowing veins. All common among the three of them.
"What can we do to help them?" Alya asked.
"There are some Squires who specialise in Guardian affairs. They are healers that don't use science, but use real world representatives of Elements, and draw power from the Ancients."
"And, where do we find one?" Martha squinted.
"This person is among the workforce at your school."
"Is it a teacher?" Alec looked around warily.
In the middle of the countertop, the hologram of a familiar figure appeared.


Miss Jacobs - the Biology teacher. I should have figured it out a long time ago. I figured that meeting her after class would be my best bet at getting her on board with the program. That way, no wary ears could eavesdrop either.
"Heyyy, Miss Jacobs." I greeted her awkwardly with finger pistols.
"Oh, hi Alec." She could sense something was off.
"I may need your help with something..."
"Okay. I'm sure it's nothing major."
"It's..." I learned closer to her ear to whisper, "It's Guardian business."
Her regularly detensed monotone expression compressed to a more serious composition. "What can I do to help?"
Later that afternoon, Ms Jacobs came back with us to the base. She did a quick sweep over the three of them and ran back to her briefcase of equipment.
"So, what's the diagnosis?" Dylan tapped her on the shoulder.
Ms Jacobs rummaged through her briefcase. "It looks to me like the three of them are trapped in a form of Elemental Stasis."
"What's that?" Alya joined in on the conversation.
"It looks like their bodies are getting used to their powers, but they're not stable the way they are now." Ms Jacobs explained. "Their bodies ate being overwhelmed by their individual Elemental Energies, but if you link yours the way you did when you used the Onyx Unity attack, you could balance them out."
Martha raised her eyebrows. "Won't too much Elemental Energy make it worse?"
"Like I said, the Link between all 8 Elemental Energies will evenly disperse any build up caused by the Merges."
"I'll make space for the ritual." Agnes chimed as the Countertop was sucked down into the ground, with only the top being exposed.
We moved the beds to connect to each other at the heads.
"Gather round." Miss Jacobs motioned for us to form a vast circle around them. "Now power up and channel your Energy."
"Passion of Fire."
"Strength of Stone."
"Agility of the Wind."
"Persistence of the Tides."
"Resilience of the Forest."
"Good, now unify."
"Onyx Unity!" We commanded the energy to hover and converge above them. Suddenly, yellow, purple and magenta waves of energy joined the circulation, emerging from the bodies of the three and floated along with the other strands. The different colours all joined together to form a vibrant vortex above them. In an instant, the vortex imploded and sent a wave of white energy out around us. When the energy faded, the three of them started waking up.
"Dylan." Oliver called them but they ignored him. When he realised he had been tuned out, the smile on his face died down.

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