Season 1 Episode 36 - Peace of Mind

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For days after the incident at the Harbour, I was having trouble sleeping. I felt this pit in my stomach, as if something was coming. Something big. I was practically asleep with one eye open in my classes at school. The Valentine's Dance was around the corner, quite literally in 3 days. The dance was on a Friday, and the school was almost done planning by Wednesday.
"Look," Alya began on her usual charade, "You have nothing to worry about."
"Yeah." Ivan chipped in. "The Anti-Elementals are gone. The people are back to their homes. The wounds are healed, yada, yada, yada." Alya rolled her eyes at him.
She put her hand on my shoulder, "All you need to know is that we're free, and we need to celebrate."
"The Valentine's Dance is the perfect opportunity to have some good old fun." Martha sat back in the bench and put her hands behind her head.
"You know what," I said, "you're right. I should just live in the moment." At that second, a weight had lifted off my shoulders. Finally, I was able to relax.
Martha's G-Gear Watch beeped rapidly, out of nowhere. We had no other choice than to run to a place behind the classrooms to answer the call from the base.
Margot appeared on the screen as soon as Martha answered. "Guys, come quick! There's an emergency at the base! Hurry!"
"Okay, we're in our way." I said.
We got in line and got ready to power up.
"Element Summon!" We roared. A flash of light was sent out from us. When the light receded, I was the only one who hadn't transformed, I mean, not properly. I was only in my old tracksuit that I had from the start of my Guardian-ship (if that is a thing).
"What's going on?" I asked.
"Maybe your powers are taking longer to manifest than the rest of us?" Ivan tried to console me.
"Whatever," I pushed my feelings deep down, "Let's just get to the base."
Alya sighed and held her hand out to me. "Let's go." I took her hand and flew with her.

Upon our arrival at the base, Margot found us at the entrance. "Guys, come quick!" She shooed us into the entrance. When we entered it was dark. Too dark. Suddenly, the lights went on, blinding us at first but then we really saw what was going on. Music started playing, and Agnes began to speak too.
"Congratulations, Guardians! I am so proud of the headway you'd made in your short time as Guardians." We cheered in bewilderment. "It has come to my attention that you no longer need to depend on your pendants for power. Your power is now innate, for you are True Guardians of the Elements." A box appeared on the countertop of the conference table. The box was a rectangular prism, long in length and low in height. The box had more than enough space to fit each of our pendants inside.
"It wouldn't hurt to move on, right?" Isaac almost sounded nervous to give it up. One by one, we all took our pendants off and placed them in the box.
We made a toast with glasses of soda.
"To leveling up!"

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