Season 2 Episode 7 - First Glance

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I barely got any sleep the previous evening because I was up covering books and doing homework. 3 hours, isn't that bad, is it? I was half-asleep pouring the luke-warm milk over into my porridge bowl. My G-Gear Watch beeped suddenly. I groaned, 'What is it this time?' I thought to myself. I pressed a button on the side and continued with my porridge.
"Dylan, how are you feeling this morning?" Agnes asked.
"Not sure. Does saying I got three hours of sleep cut it?" I snarled.
"I understand you're upset, but you're going to have to keep moving. You can rest this afternoon. But for now, go to school. You can't afford the media questioning the security of the team."
I sniffled. "Okay. Thanks, Agnes." That didn't help much, but I guess she was right. I had to keep moving. I could rest in the afternoon. I quickly got ready and put my backpack on. I locked the door and powered up. I decided that going with the bus was already too much of a hassle. I should rather keep it going and take the mother of naps this afternoon.

A few hours later, in my Art period, I was doing a sketch of a shoe. I was sitting next to Eric, who also took art. For most of the time that I was doing the drawing, my mind was elsewhere.
I felt Eric nudge into my arm. "Penny for your thoughts, superstar?"
I sighed. "It's just... everything was going back to normal until our mysterious guests showed up out of the blue."
"I don't really know what to say because I was never chosen by the Elementals. However, you beat them last time, so you can do it again."
"I guess you're right." I said. All of a sudden, a loud bang went off outside. All the students ran off to look out of the windows to observe the commotion. Warily, I joined them. I looked out of the window and saw a strange person with crazy purple hair in an all-black outfit. Leather, by the looks of it. The person was surrounded by strange creatures. At first they looked inhumane, but then they looked more like soldiers. But then it hit me. They were Votaries. Shit. Not here, not now. I made my way towards the door carefully. Eric pulled back on my shoulder.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"What do you think I'm doing? Going to kick some ass." I snapped at him. "Keep the students safe here while I take care of the commotion outside." He nodded. I pressed a button on my G-Gear Watch and spoke into the mic. "Calling all Guardians, we have goons outside the art class and I'll need backup." I then moved outside to meet my new friends.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't Dylan Tiberius." The person spoke.
"Who are you and what is your business here?" I asked.
"I'm Furia, I'm sure you're familiar with my other half, Ezekiel, by now."
"I don't think I asked...."
"So, tell me then, where are the triplets?" Alya, Martha, Ivan and Alec showed up just in time. "Even better, a real challenge."

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