Season 1 Episode 13 - Agnes' Intervention

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The group and I marched into the base with intention.
"Good morning, Guardians," Agnes greeted us, "How are you all?"
"Agnes, we have a problem." I sat down at the counter.
"I am aware of the past few weeks' very interesting events." she said.
Alec straightened in his chair, "Agnes, we need to know what's going on with the Anti-Elementals and why they keep coming after us."
"As you wish," Agnes began, "As I have made clear during prior meetings, the Anti-Elementals are beings created by the darkest depths of evil on Earth. The Anti-Elementals were first born in the city of Rome from modern history, thus why their names are Latin and/or Italian, just like yours. Over time, as the powers of the Elementals are passed down through time, they changed too. This change would be to be able to match the very weaknesses of their respective Guardians. Dylan, your current weakness is shame, thus why Pudor is your nemesis. Alec, yours is foolishness, thus why your nemisis is Ineptus. Ivan, your weakness is fear, thus why your nemesis is Formido. Alya, your weakness is insecurity, thus why Periclum is your nemesis. Martha has already mastered hers and can take on her Anti-Elemental head-to-head."
"Hold on," Isaac straightened in his chair, "what's her weakness and posted Anti- Elemental?"
"Homesickness," Agnes blurted out, "thus why her Anti-Elemental is Cogat."
Isaac leaned back in his seat, "Riddle me this, Agnes. Who in the hell thought it was a good idea to create these creatures?"
We all looked towards the glowing orb above the counter, "The first Guardians got the help of their superiors to create beings who would be fully capable of keeping them in check. Without the Anti-Elementals, their sheer power would have been enough to destroy the world and maybe the entire cosmos."
"There's no way we're actually that powerful, right?" Alec actually looked shocked, and his face is normally poignant and still.
"While your powers still seem weak and basic, they will blossom into something big and beautiful." The glowing orb above the counter transformed into a circle of 8 emblems that floated above us, "In time, you will learn more about them and the source from which they came."
"Wait, but Agnes...?" I called out as the orb disappeared and the regular lighting came back on. We all groaned since an unsatisfying majority of our questions went unanswered.
"So, what's our next move?" Alya looked over at me.
"Honestly, If they're supposed to make sure that we don't destroy the world, why are they so ferocious?" Ivan said.
"I don't know." I said, scratching the back of my neck, "Maybe we should just lay low and wait and see what they'll do next. Agnes is our only source of answers about this whole charade."

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