Season 1 Episode 21 - New Groove

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The schoolgrounds were pretty much empty now. It was depressing to look at. Given the circumstances, an empty classroom is nothing compared to the concurrent disappearances of people around us. It was a Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock when the teachers gathered those of us who were left at the school in the courtyard between the classrooms and the parking lot.
Mr Daccarey gestured to us. "In light of recent events," he began, "the school board and myself have made a decision to try and prioritize everyone's safety."
We all clamored and muttered, confused.
He began again. "We're closing the school down." He began again. "From Thursday, the 29th of January, we will begin online learning until further notice."
'That's literally tomorrow!' I thought.
During second break, the group and I met behind the classrooms and contacted Agnes.
"Agnes, things are getting serious out here. The principal just closed the school down because of the absorptions." I spoke into my G-Gear Watch's microphone.
"I may have a solution. Come to the base for training after school."

That's what we did. We headed to the base and waited at the counter. The computer suddenly awoke. "Welcome, Guardians. Please step down through the hatch that has opened on the floor." A space had opened close to the left wall and a flight of steps opened through the floor so that we could go down through it. The group and I headed down into the space to find a large enclosure with a dome-shaped ceiling.
"Woah... what is this place?" Isaac was understandably in shock.
"This is the training ground." Just as Agnes had said this, training dummies emerged from underground. "Mats have been supplied for you, so that when you inevitably fall on your behinds, you can soften your fall. Now, line up, Guardians. You have some new things to discover."
"You don't have to tell me twice." Martha stepped right up.
We powered up and lined up along the side of the training grounds.
"Dylan, you're up first." The computer chimed.
"O...kay." I said.
"As you can see, there are two dishes filled with soil beside you. Kneel down and place your hands upon them."
"Okay, what's next?" I asked.
"Concentrate heat into your hands. Rapidly dry up the soil so that's desert sand."
"Oh...'kay. That's weird. How did that happen so fast?" I asked.
"Now focus more heat into your hands. Think of a shape - any shape - and it'll turn into glass."
"Oh, like you did the last time, huh?" Ivan asked.
"Quiet." Alya nudged his arm.
"Sorry..." Ivan condescendingly mumbled.
I blocked out the peanut gallery behind me and focused on the soil. The heat beneath my hands was becoming blisteringly hot. It didn't hurt, but I made sure that I was in control - and that I was. I felt glass globes materialize beneath my palms. I opened my eyes and looked down and looked at the glass globes. 'Wow.' I thought.
"Nice. Sweet." Is all I heard coming from the peanut gallery beside me.
The others all learned some of the following new moves - Alya learned how to manipulate air currents to find her way, Isaac learned how to use vibrations through the ground to detect movement around him, Alec learned how to use scent marking from plants to find people and objects, while Martha learned how to use nearby water sources to her advantage in battle.

《Pat Benetar - Hit Me With Your Best Shot》

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