Season 2 Episode 19 - Showtime

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I was washing my hands in the school bathroom when there was a pungent beeping sound coming from my G-Gear Watch. I dried my hands off quickly and clicked a button on the side of the watch to play a voice message from Margot. "All Guardians to the Town Hall. Votaries and Anti-Elementals have stormed the City Council. Get over here. Now."
"Great. I was just in the middle of Geography." I mumbled to myself. I ran out of the bathrooms and to the back alleys of the school property. There, I found the other Guardians.
"Let's just get this over with." Oliver grumbled.
"Fine, then you do the honours." Dylan said.
"Fine." Oliver stepped forward. "Guardians, transform!"
"Solis/Umbra/Element Summon!" We roared together. After we'd powered up, we flew out and went to the Town Hall.
After a few minutes of lying, we finally came across what seemed like an absolute siege. The place was being completely overrun with Votaries, and the Anti-Elementals were easily spotted in the marching band.
"This is just like Rome." Gabriella sighed.
"Did they always march like this?" Dylan asked.
"The marches started when they first emerged." Gabriella explained. "They would always terrorise people like this. And, personally, I've seen enough. I'm not letting this happen again." Gabriella dropped down to the ground hastily. When she hit the ground, a wave of pink energy exploded around her.
"Let's go, guys." Ivan called. This was the first time that I could use my powers in battle. I was nervous that I would get caught off guard.
I landed near one of the front pillars outside of the Hall. Dylan decided to be my partner-in-crime, for the time being, and was fighting closeby to me. When I was on the battlefield, something inside me clicked and it was like I knew how to fight. I must have retained this instinct from Ezekiel. "Shadow Spikes!" I yelled as I threw spikes of purple energy at the surrounding Votaries.
"I just got word that the City Council members were evacuated safely." Dylan announced. "Let's have some fun."


"Okay, guys, you're doing great. Now that you've cleared the Votaries out of the way, you can focus on the main course: Colpa, Furia and Onere." I spoke into the microphone. They were doing really well considering the discourse with the new members. The Guardians charged at the Anti-Elementals, throwing energy balls, beams, fire vortexes, tornadoes, stones, anything possible at them. But, then I noticed something very odd. "I need someone else to cover Gabriella." No one was responding. The others were busy getting the beatdowns of their lives while Gabriella was about to lose hers. I needed to get out there. I ran over to the spare weapons cabinet, took a blaster and jumped into one of the Squires' Tunells' openings in the base. On the way there, I was tracking my journey on my G-Gear Watch, and jumped out when I reached my stop. I found myself across the street from the Town Hall and ran over to help.
"Margot?" An exhausted Gabriella heaved.
"Don't worry, I'm here now." I took aim with the blaster in my hands.
"You think that little thing is going to - Ah!" Colpa was thrown off her feet by the shot of the blaster.
"Let's move." I knelt down and helped Gabriella off the battlefield, and let her down behind a pillar.
"I... I can't go on." Gabriella's time had come. I could hear it in her voice. She was fading.
"Gabriella. Stay with me." I shook her slightly. Then her body started glowing. "Gabriella, please!" From the glow of her body, it became a bright pink flash that consumed the perimetre.

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