Season 1 Episode 8 - Margot's Place

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I suddenly woke up and regained my stamina. I found this peculiar, seeing that I felt as if I was practically dead after the previous day's fight. The room I woke up in had brightly painted brick walls, shelves neatly packed with toys and books, and smooth tiled floors.
I was startled by someone knocking on the door, "Who is it?"
Martha opened the door softly, "Hey."
"Oh, hi, Martha." I said.
"How'd you sleep?" she slumped down in the armchair.
"I think I slept fine. How did I get here, though?"
"Eric brought you here, he said something about your powers getting out of control. However, when you got here, you were in very bad shape, so we gave you some meds and let you sleep. Eric stayed over, too. I mean, he was right to bring you here. He said that he wasn't going home until he knew you were okay."
"That's good to know." I grinned gently.
"I'm smelling lost chemistry." Martha teased.
Eric then walked in the open doorway, "Hello." he said.
I couldn't help but get up, "You didn't go home?" I asked.
"No, I just wanted to make sure you were okay." he was still looking down.
"Look," I gently took hold of and tipped his chin up so that he could look me in the eyes, "I can see you're tired and worried. But please, just go home, take a shower, and get some sleep."
"Fine..." he sighed.
"Also, who is Margot?" I stopped him from walking out.
"When I first found my pendant, I got hurt, but Margot helped me." Just as he finished his sentence, a middle-aged woman walked in.
"Hi, I'm Margot Cheauvar." she held her hand out to me with a smile.
"Dylan." I shook her hand, "We really need to get going, Margot, but thanks for the help."
"Anytime. Be sure to introduce me to the others." she waved as I walked out of the door.
I met Eric and Martha outside.
When we got to the front yard, Eric activated his pendant and created a flying platform out of sticks and pebbles, reinforced by leaves and tree roots.
"Now that's impressive." I smirked.
"Ehh, it's nothing." he shrugged. Martha hopped on her lift made from bubbles and foam and flew up over the mountain. Before long, we were zooming among the clouds with only each other. Out of nowhere, something hit our lift.
"What was that?" I asked.
"Sorry to ruin your little date, but I'm bringing you both down to Earth." a voice said. Eric was visibly shocked.
"Eric, I'm gonna need some words, pal." he wasn't responding, "Ugh, just keep this thing afloat and I'll be the distraction." I activated my pendant. Suddenly, there was someone catching up to us in a mechanised battlesuit.
"Who the hell is that?" I asked.
"Periclum, Anti-Elemental." he said.
"Why does she have a gun?"
"That's a dart gun!" he exclaimed.
"Everyone will kneel before us-!"
"Anti-Elemental, got it." I interrupted her with a blast of fire.
"You maggot!" she exclaimed as she shot darts at me.
I then got into a blast-struggle with Periclum as she was began getting closer. To end it, I blasted a powerful vortex of flames at Periclum, setting her foot-bound hovercraft alight. We somehow ended up landing in my backyard. After trudging into the house through the back door, Eric and I plopped down onto the couch. Drifting off into sleep after having been hit by Periclum's darts.

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