Season 2 Episode 2 - Good To Be Back

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The first day of 10th Grade, and I'm ready as I can be. It felt strange coming back to school again, after all the uproar on social media, as if the world hasn't seen some super-powered individuals before. The bus stopped in the school parking lot and I hopped out, trying to keep a low profile, until I was spotted.
"Hey, Dylan!" A random 12th Grader called to me.
I pretended to ignore her.
The girl jogged toward me. I was surrounded by a herd of students, so I couldn't move that much. She straddled me with her left arm and started recording.
"Hey, everyone! It's me AllThingsAlberta here at Valley City College with one of our relative superheroes Dylan Tiberius."
When she called my name, I realised it was time to put on a show for the cameras in plastering a fake smile across my face. I waved to the camera and loosened my shoulders.
"So, how does it feel to be back after the summer?" She asked.
"It feels great. I can't wait to start Grade 10 and take on the new year. Now, if you would excuse me, I need to get to class." I loosened myself from her grip and walked up to my register classroom.
I walked into the classroom and found my friends waiting for me. I sat down next to Oliver and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Hey, babe. Where have you been?" He asked.
"Oh, I just got caught up by Alberta again."
"Doesn't she have anything better to do?" Martha snorted.
"Obviously not." Eric laughed.
Our laughter was cut short when the bell rang. "


I was meditating in my quarters on the ship, when I heard a loud bang, and alarms went off. I immediately ran into the main hull of the ship.
"What's going on?" Zeke asked.
The A.I. awakened to give us the bad news. "Vulture-001 has fired on us. Damage has been sustained. One of the thrusters has been damaged in the conflict."
"Shit! They found us!" Gabby exclaimed.
"This is why I told you that we couldn't slow down or stop at all, not even for a second." Zeke made his way into the cockpit and pressed a few buttons.
A buzzer went off and the A.I. responded. "Emergency signal to home base is not available. Too far out of range."
"Dammit!" He yelled.
"Looks like we have to do this the old fashioned way." I stepped forward.
"You're not suggesting..." Gab began.
"I am." I started stating my case. "We have no other choice. We're sitting ducks right now. If we take another hit, we're done for. We have to transform and get this thing to Earth."
"We don't have any other options, so, let's just do it." Zeke walked from the cockpit and into the hull.
Gab rolled her eyes. "Ugh, fine." We stood together and held hands.
"Solis!/Umbra!/Magia!" We powered and focused our energy into a glowing orb floating before us.

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