Season 2 Episode 8 - Showdown

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"We know where they are, but there's no way we'd let you find them. Guardians, transform!"
We stood together and roared. "Element Summon!" In moments, we were all transformed into our uniforms.
"Just as I expected. Get them!" Furia ordered.
My friends and I also charged at the swarm before us. Before long, we were separated in the battle. Every goon was tougher than the other. We had to try out some new tricks we learned since last year. I charged at the Votaries with a newfound zest for life. Everytime one of us would hit them a few times each, they would disintegrate by turning into dust that would blow away in the wind.
After a while of fighting, the other two Anti-Elementals arrived.
"Hey, kids." The one said.
"Want to play?" The other said.
"I don't think our definition of playing lines up with yours, big guy." Alya clapped back.
"Well, if you didn't know, that's Onere, this is Termine and I'm Furia." Furia introduced himself and the rest of his accomplices.
"Oh, enough with the ego shit!" Martha brought her hands together towards the three of them, where water eloped from the ground and splashed them.
"You little brat!" Furia tried to grab Martha but Ivan jumped in front of her.
"Ivan, no!" Martha called out to him.
"Tell us where the triplets are and I don't separate his head from his chest." Furia threatened.
"That's enough!" I heard a voice say from behind us, and even Furia dropped Ivan from his grip. It was Raphael and the other two triplets who showed up. "How about you pick on someone your own size?"
"That sounds just fine." Termine lunged at Gabriella. Ezekiel didn't even need to prepare for Furia. It ended up with the triples facing their Anti-Elementals, while Alya rushed over to Ivan's side.
Alec, Martha and I tried to help the triplets in any way that we possibly could, but they insisted that we minded our business.
"Hey, gorgeous. Where have you been all my life?" Ivan groaned.
Alya just rolled her eyes, "Ugh, get over yourself." She channelled some fresh air and blew it into Ivan's mouth. As the air flowed into his body, his neck and upper-chest slightly lit up. When I looked back at the triplets, something seemed wrong.
"Does something seem odd... about them?" Raphael strained.
"I don't know." Gabriella yelled back.
"Maybe we don't have this one in the bag?" Ezekiel asked.
Eventually, the three of them got knocked over and were backed into a corner. I sprung into action and attempted to roast the Anti-Elementals alive, even though that might not be possible. "Burning Vortex." That was just about enough to scare them off.
"Still think you didn't need help?" Martha asked.
"We," Ezekiel sat up and sighed, "need answers."

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