Season 1 Episode 32 - Elaborate Plots

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Alya, Martha, and myself, rushed back to the base. When we arrived, we knew we had no time to waste.
"Welcome Guardians." Agnes chimed. "I sense a wounded visitor. Shall I ready the MedBay?"
"Please do. My arms are starting to cramp." I said. We took Eric to the MedBay and put him down on the bed.
"Agnes, what's the sitch?" Alya asked.
"What we apperar to have on our hands is an absorption victim." Agnes echoed.
"Wait, but he was converted into an Anti-Elemental, though? How does that work?" Martha enquired.
"There seems to be a problem." Agnes began. "Eric may have been experimented on, meaning that the current Anti-Elementals had a lab in which they used certain tools and materials to transform him. I'm not sure how else this could have happened. The Anti-Elementals have always been the embodiments of the Guardians' weaknesses. I'll need you to gather data on their lab equipment for me to find a solution to our current situation."
Alya got a call that she had to take. "Excuse me for a moment, I just need to take this call." She came back a minute later. "Guys, I'd hate to leave you high and dry right now, but my family is waiting for me back home. I have to leave now, or else I'll never hear the end of it."
"Okay, do what you must." Martha said. We all greeted her as she left.
"What should we do now?" I asked Martha.
She folded her arms and furrowed her eyebrows. "Maybe we should bring the others in and let them know what we need to do." Just as she said this, her G-Gear Watch chimed with a message from Isaac. She clicked a button and played the voice message.
"Guys, we're on our way back, repairs are complete."
"The moment the happy couple is back in the house, we'll fill them in on our plans." Martha stated. I just stared at her blankly. "What did I say?" I just shook my head and looked away. Ten minutes later, the others got back from doing Damage Control.
'Oh, thank goodness.' I thought.
Ivan and Dylan sat down at the conference counter with us. "Okay, so what did we miss?" Dylan asked.
"Agnes needs us to gather intel on their base and equipment to be able to figure out how they managed to convert Eric to an Anti-Elemental." I took over. Martha had been talking a lot, even for someone as quiet as her.
"And, how do you think we'll be able to do that?" Ivan retorted.
"A stealth mission, perhaps?" Dylan suggested.
"I'd hate to burst your bubble, but this is not Mission Impossible." Agnes chimed.
"I think it's a good idea." I began to state my case, "What if we track down the base, make our way in, and see what we can find?bring?"
"Doesn't sound too bad," Ivan said, "I'm in." The rest of us also agreed that it was the only way of getting Eric back to normal and back to his family.

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