Season 2 Episode 6 - Explanation

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"Wait a minute, ancient times?" Alya asked.
"Yep. We're that old." Ezekiel put his hands up behind his head.
"I want to know what kind of skincare you guys are hooked on because I want some too." Martha raised her hand.
"What actually keeps us young is our powers, it'll do the same for you too." Gabriella explained.
"When Guardians of the Elementals are chosen, just like we were, you're placed into one of two divisions." Raphael put a finger up and channelled a spark of light that lit up two symbols above our heads. The first symbol looked like a globe. The second symbol was a smaller circle that had a thick ring around it, like simplified sketch of Saturn. "The first symbol you might recognise because of how much it's used here on Earth, representative of the globe. It stands for the Terrestrial Elements - Fire, Water, Earth, Air and Nature. The other symbol looks like a planet with rings around it, because it stands for the Cosmic Elements - Light, Magic and Shadows."
Alec gestured toward them individually, "What exactly do your elements do?"
Raphael straightened up in his chair. "My element is Light. Light is the main element that powers the stars, and even your Sun." He channelled little globes of light in his hand.
"My element is Magic. Magic is the energy found in every living being. It is all around us and nowhere at the same time." Gabriella twirled her hand and sent small sparks of magenta-coloured energy all around us.
Ezekiel put hands together and slowly started to form a triangle between them. As his palms separated, a small orb of dark-purple energy started forming. "My element is Shadow. Shadow is the control over perception, perspective. We can create illusions, make people see what either we want them to see, or what they want to see."
"In Ancient Rome, when the first Guardians were chosen, the three of us were born soon thereafter, however, there was a great battle. The battle led to the Rome being destroyed, with our parents sending us off into space before we could have gotten caught in the crossfire, and away from the Anti-Elementals. When we arrived on our new home planet, it didn't take long for the Anti-Elementals to catch up to us in outer space. When they found us, they destroyed our home and we've been on the run since then." Raphael stood up.
"I mean, it's not like there's Anti-Elementals on the loose right now." Ezekiel rolled his eyes.
"Other Anti-Elementals?" Alec leaned forward.
"The reason why we came to Earth was because we're tired of running." Raphael explained.
I shook my head. "Wait a minute. So you're telling me that Earth was your first home, then you left, then you came back and brought back your Anti-Elementals with you?"
"We didn't mean to cause you distress, but we only wanted some help. Your powers are fully developed, I'm sure you'll be able to help us." Raphael pleaded.
"That's still no excuse." Ivan barked.
"Hey, back off. We just wanted help." Ezekiel played devil's advocate.
"You guys should be able to understand the sheer amount of power that our Anti-Elementals have. You should know the amount of destruction that one of them could cause on their own. Imagine three of them with 50 times the power of one contained in each of them." Raphael looked back at me for reassurance.
"They can send out Votaries. They were like foot soldiers, goons. Back in our day, they raided and destroyed the homes of millions. It took the Romans decades to recover from the damage." Ezekiel explained.
"So, you're telling me that these overpowered maniacs that nearly destroyed Rome came with you and could possibly destroy Valley City as well?" Ivan asked.
"Pretty much." Gabriella shrugged.

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