Season 1 Episode 11 - Alec

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I walked to the classroom from the bus and was unusually nauseated by something, but it felt familiar. I then found Alya running towards me with a concerned look on her face.
"Dylan." she said as she approached me while also trying to catch her breath.
"Hey, Alya... Uhm.... Why were you running?" I raised an eyebrow.
Alya gulped, "Look, there's someone that says he's looking for you."
"Well, who is this?" I walked with Alya to the door.
"I think you already know that answer for yourself." The boy stepped out from the hoard of guys in the classroom.
My eyes widened at the sight of him, "Alec?"
Alec flipped his streaky, blonde hair backwards with his left hand, "That's me." He chuckled.
"Uh.... Alec, can I talk to you for a moment. You know, in private." I specifically looked at Alya while saying this.
She put her hands up as if she were being arrested, "Okay, lovebirds." She then disappeared into the classroom.
"Anyway...." I sighed as I looked back at Alec, "What are you doing here? I mean, you're not just here to flaunt your new good looks, right?"
"Yes, and no." he looked down, "I'm here for the exact same reason that she's here," he looked at Martha.
"What do you know?" I folded my arms.
"I have my sources." he looked off to the side.
"Tell me what the hell you're doing here and leave." I said.
"Meet me at the dam after school, and bring your friends with you, it's important and they need to be there too." The the bell rang and when I looked back at Alec, he was gone.
"Dammit!" I murmured to myself.
''Dylan, the bell's already rung, why are you still standing outside?" Mrs Daccarey asked from inside the classroom.
I helped my breath, and then only responded, "Oh, don't worry about me." I walked into the classroom, plopped my bag down and went on with the day as if I had not seen Alec at all.

The group and I met at my house that afternoon.
"Do you, honestly, think he has any helpful info about the Anti-Elementals?" Ivan asked.
"I am actually thinking on the lighter side with this one," I said, "He could possibly be beneficial to us."
"Don't you two have history?" Alya asked. Someone suddenly knocked at the door.
I walked up to the door, opened it... and then closed it all over again.
Alya poked her head around the corner of the countertop and whispered, "Is it him?" I merely nodded.
"Why are you hiding, though?" She stood up. I looked back at the door and saw that Alec's silhouette had disappeared.
''Great, you scared him away." Ivan grumbled.
Amanda tapped on my shoulder, "Wait, didn't he say to find him at the dam?"
Martha got up from leaning on the wall, ''Then what are we waiting for?" she asked.
We then ran out of the door and headed down to the dam. Upon our arrival at the dam, we found him standing, staring off into the horizon with his back to the water.
"I was expecting you." he said.
"Just get to the point." I sighed.
He looked back at us, "I know exactly why the five of us are connected."
"Uh... okay?" I said.
"It's actually quite complicated," Alec continued.
"We know," I said, "he was kidnapped. Something important of his went missing."
"You mean this thing, right?" Alec pulled something out of his pocket, "I'm the one with the Forest Broach. I got it yesterday, actually."
The rest of the group and I exchanged looks of sheer concern with each other.

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