Season 2 Episode 32 - Bait the Trap

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Since the nation was in complete lockdown mode, little to no one was roaming the streets. The other Guardians and I decided to lay down a trap for the Anti-Elementals. Agnes and Mrs Daccarey managed to rally some Squires to walk around in the shopping mall across the street from my neighbourhood, Wynrand Shopping Centre. Once the Anti-Elementals would show up, the Squires would use Maintenance Exits and Squire Tunnels. Then, when they would come in, we'd lock the doors and take a shot at Osmosis.
The other Guardians and I were hiding out in the Managers' Offices of the stores, and waited for the time to go by. "Remember, Guardians - the Anti-Elementals can only sense your Elemental Energies when you are transformed, and can only sense large gatherings of humans, but not you, because of your powers. This loophole will allow you all to use the element of surprise to your advantage." Agnes reminded us again, as if she hadn't already done so for the last few days. "Good luck, Guardians."
I was pacing around the office anxiously when I started hearing the sound of drumming coming through from outside the building. It was them. They were here.
I walked out of the office and into one of the Maintenance Exits. Oliver came through on my G-Gear Watch saying "They're here." At my exit, I was helping groups of Squires move closer towards the Maintenance Exits, so that when all the other exits are closed, they'll be able to move away from the fighting. I went into one of the Security Offices off to the side and checked the camera feeds. The Anti-Elementals and one of the largest herds of Votaries were starting to walk in from all of the Main Entrances. We waited until all the Votaries and Anti-Elementals were inside the building, and gave Agnes the signal to place the whole building on lockdown, leaving only the Maintenance Exits and Squire Tunnels open. The doors and shutters closed suddenly with a large thud. For some reason, it didn't seem to bother them much, until they started to notice how quiet it was. They started breaking into the shops and tearing down walls in search of all the humans they'd sensed beforehand. While that was happening, we hastened the Squires to evacuate as quickly as possible. Once all of the Squires were safe, the other Guardians and I walked out from the Maintenance Exits of the shops that were untouched and into the main foyer. We all met up at the main centre square of the mall.
"Did everyone get out in time?" Dylan asked. The rest of us nodded.
"Here they come, guys." Margot motioned for us to get into our formation. We moved into a circular stance, where two of us would be facing each side. The stampede turned the corners and walked towards us.
"Guardians." Incerta put her hands together, "Nice to see you again."
"Cute trick, though," Renden taunted, "But we won't let you get off easy like last time."
"But before we start, we'll let you do your little costume change." Avido pointed right at me. "I wouldn't want the world to see your dead bodies dressed like that."
I gasped, offended, and clenched my fist. "The butt-kicking you're about to get is for Khan. Guardians, Transform!"
"Solis!/Umbra!/Magia!/Element Summon!" In a flash of light, we transformed and got ready to fight.
"Charge!" Incerta roared, ordering the Votaries to storm upon us. In the battle, we ended up separated. I was thrown towards Avido in the fighting.
"You'll pay for what you did to Khan!" I grunted as I threw blow for blow at him.
"Oh please, Khan was just a means to an end." Avido launched a punch to my gut that sent me flying backwards.
"Keep my brother's name out of your mouth!" I channelled balls of wind in my hands and flew at a high speed towards Avido and spun in a charged spiral towards him. When I hit him, the spiral took some time to blow him further back and knock him off his feet. "He's all yours, Oliver!" I turned back to find him. Instantly, he flew out towards Avido, leaving some more Votaries to me.

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