Season 1 Episode 34 - Operation Recon

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I couldn't sleep because I was so curious and wanted to try my power out. The rest of my family is just a bunch of heavy sleepers. I'm sure they wouldn't notice if I sneaked out, right? I tried my luck and made a break for the window. I quietly climbed out and dropped down onto the ground. After making sure that the coast was clear, I sprinted towards the beach. I kept looking around me to make sure I was actually alone. I'm not sure if it's an anxiety thing, but it's just an automatic reflex in situations like this. I widened my stance, close my eyes, and took a deep breath. Then, I said the magic words. "Element Summon." A flash of light covered me as I transformed. After I'd finished transforming, I stood there and started thinking.
"Hmm." I thought out loud. I raised my hands to my waist and slowly lowered them back down. I started levitating above the ground as my hands lowered past me waistline. I then made a large movement of my arms up and then rapidly down. I rose higher above the ground than before and decided to ride the winds above the ground. I sailed above the ground and all around the rental home we'd been staying in. It felt good to just float. The drafts of air slowly placed me back onto the ground. When I I powered down and went back to the house.


The Monday after that weekend, the group and I met up in one of the spare classrooms.
"So, what's the plan of action?" Alya asked.
"As it turns out," Ivan began, "There seems to be an underwater gateway into the Anti-Elementals' base."
"Since we can all transform underwater now, Margot suggests that the 4 of us who have our Augmen powers can swim in, draw Pudor out, and lure him into Osmosis with Dylan." Martha explained.
"Then, from there, we can make sure that the people who were absorbed are all returned back to their homes no questions asked." Alec continued.
"Um, excuse me? Did we forget about the Eric-sized piece of collateral damage just chilling in our MedBay?" Alya snapped.
"Eric is recovering just fine." I added my two cents. "Agnes says he'll be fully recovered in a few days."
"Okay, so we need to do this as soon as possible, before people start asking questions about why the last batch of missing people didn't return home." Ivan looked down at his G-Gear watch.
"Affirmative. This afternoon would be the most suitable time for the mission to commence." Agnes chimed.
"So it's settled then. Operation Recon is ago." Isaac heroically chanted.
We all looked back at him in confusion. "What?" He asked.

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