Chapter fifty six: You are supposed to be dead?!

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Rain's pov:

Me and Swiss stayed there. Both of us stayed quiet until we heard a group of footsteps getting closer to us from behind us. I didn't bother to turn around, I just kept looking at the road.

      "Swiss, Rain. What happened? What is going on?" Copia asked. Both of us stayed quiet, I couldn't say it outloud. "Rain, what happened?" Copia asked, walking in front of me. "They took them." I said quietly, looking up to Copia, tears were streaming down my face.

       The expression on Copia's face changed from confused to fearful. "Someone took Aurora and Amelia?" He asked. I gave him a silent nod. "Damn it." Copia snapped, pinching the bridge of his nose. "We have to go look for them." Ifrit said from behind us. "The traces end here, they could be anywhere." Swiss growled. "Swiss just calm down." Ifrit said.

       Swiss turned to look at Ifrit with an angry expression on his face and started to walk towards him. "You are telling me to calm down?! You are telling me to calm down when someone fucking kidnapped her and is doing satan knows what to her right as we speak." Swiss yelled, grabbing the hem of Ifrit's shirt. "Swiss calm down." Mountain said, pulling him off of Ifrit.

       "Everyone, let's head back inside, we have to figure this out." Copia sighed. "What? We can't just go back?" I said, standing up from the snow. "Rain we have no other choice." Copia sighed. "But, I can't just-" I said, but was cut by Copia. "I know Rain, but we can't just go and wander around the town." Copia says and starts to walk towards the church.

      I stayed there on my place, watching as they started to walk away. "Come on Rain, you can't stay here." Aether said, lifting his arm over my shoulders. I looked up to him and burst into tears. "I- I can't." I got out of my mouth, between my cries. "I know Rain. I know. We will find her. We will find both of them." Aether comforts.

      As we were walking towards the church, I noticed something in the snow, something shining. I moved out of Aether's hold and headed to see what it was. It was a mask, it was Amelia's mask and right next to it in the snow laid Amelia's phone.

      "What is it?" Aether asked, walking to me. I showed him what I found, walking back to him. "We should go show Copia." Aether said, lifting his arm back on my shoulders. "Let's go." He says, continuing walking.

      "What if we can't find her?" I said quietly. "We will." Aether says. "How can you be so sure?" I asked. "Because we have to." He answered.

     I slouched next to him. I kept staring at my feet. It feels like my whole life has just fallen apart. Just a while ago we were all together and now Amelia and Aurora are missing. It feels so wrong leaving the forest and going back to the church, but what else can I do.

     Everything feels wrong. I can't even feel her anymore. Normally I can feel her presence when she is close to me, but now I can't feel anything.

     Back at the church Copia went to inform the clergy of what had happened. The rest of us stayed in the common room. I kept pacing around the room, there was no way I could sit down. I need to find her, but how? If they were moving with a car they could be kilometers away already. Why would they take her? What are they going to do to her?

      "Rain please sit down, even for a while." Cirrus said from the couch. I ignored her completely, to be honest I didn't even pay attention to what she was saying. "Rain?" She asked again and stood up from the couch. She walked in front of me, placing her hands on my shoulders and stopping me from moving.

      "Rain, please come sit down." She said. "I can't just sit." I said quietly. "I know, but you pacing around is not going to help anyone. We have to wait for Copia, he is going to tell us what we will do." Cirrus said. "But what if he doesn't know?" I asked. "He is going to figure it out." Cirrus said. "Just come sit down." Cirrus said, leading me to the sofa and sitting me down next to her and Cumulus.

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