Chapter twenty two: RUN

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Rain's pov:

Aether and Mountain left a little before me and Amelia. "Okay are you ready?" I asked. "I don't know if i can go that fast, i feel like i'm gonna pass out." She said. "Can you walk?" I asked. "I guess so" She said. "Okay let's go" I said.

         We left the church's yard. "Let's stay away from the road, so no one can see us." I said. "Mhm." She hummed. "Are you okay?" I asked. "N-No" She answered breathlessly. "There is no way you can walk like that." I said. "I-I can, i just need a little break." Amelia said.

        I looked at her, she didn't look good. She looked like she was gonna pass out any second, there is no way that she could walk any further. I walked next to her and lifted her to my arms, a bridal style. "No Rain, i can walk" She fought back. "We have to get going" I said as i continued walking. She didn't have any energy to fight back. She lowered her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes. "Thank you" She whispered.

        I know she always wants to be strong and take care of herself and that it is hard for her to accept that sometimes she needs help. She ended up falling asleep as i was walking.

        I had no idea where we could go or where we would spend the night. Most important thing now is to get Amelia feel better, but i can't take her to the hospital, because i'm sure Sister would find us there immediately. Where could we go? I was walking towards the small town that was pretty close to the church. Then i got an idea, i know where i could ask for help.

         I continued walking to the town, Amelia still sound asleep on my arms. Finally we were there. I walked into the familiar shop. "Ahh, long time no see. I have been wondering where you have been." A familiar salesman said as i walked in. "Hi Mr. Clark. It's been awhile." I say. "Is everything okay?" He asked, looking at sleeping Amelia. "If i'm being honest, no." I answer. "What is wrong?" He asked. I took a deep breath.

         "She is sick and we no longer have a place to go." I said. "I'm sorry i came here, but it's getting cold outside and you are the only human i know i can trust." I continued. "I'm so sorry to hear that. You know that you are always welcome here." Mr. Clark said. "Actually i don't know if it helps, but i have a room here, at the back of the shop where you two could stay until she gets better." He continues. "Really?!" I asked. "Yes, of course." He says. "Thank you so much, you have no idea how much that means to me." I said. "Anything for my favorite customer, follow me." Mr. Clark said, heading to the back of the store.

        We walked into a small room. There was a small blue couch, a bed and a office desk. "Here." He said.. "Thank you so much." I said. I walked to the bed and placed Amelia down on the bed. "What happened to her?" Mr. Clark asked. "I think she was poisoned." I answered, pulling a blanket over Amelia.

        "Do you want something to eat?" Mr. Clark asked. "I don't want to trouble you more" I answered. "Oh no son, it's lovely to have visitors. It often gets really quiet here." Mr. Clark said. "Well, okay" I said walking after him. I sat down on the one of the tables, while Mr. Clark made us sandwiches. Mr. Clark i can't even tell you how thankful i am." I said. "You can call me Robert." He answered, sitting down next to me.

        "May i ask why you don't have anywhere to go?" He asked. "Well it's kind of a long story and i can't tell you all of it, but the place where we used to live, it wasn't safe for us anymore." I answered. "It's pretty hard to explain our living situation, but we had to run away from the people we were living with and now they are after us." I explained. "Did they poison her, so you couldn't leave?" He asked. "Yeah" I answered. "That's horrible."

       Me and Mr. Clark talked to the late of the evening, until he had to close the shop and head to his home. Words can't even describe how thankful i am. Not many people would trust strangers like he does. "You two can keep thieves away during the night. I will see you tomorrow morning." Robert said laughing as he was heading out of the store. "Yeah, we sure will" I said waving him goodbye.

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