Chapter thirteen: Cycle

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/Smut warning/

Amelia's pov:

It was pretty late in the evening and i was at the practice room with Sodo. We have been making so much progress with my playing. I can already play few songs without messing up. Playing is also starting to be pretty fun, now that i know how to play. Well, i'm not that good yet, but still i'm getting there.

Me and Sodo played Cirice and Mary on a cross together, as we were done we heard someone clapping on the door. I turned to look towards the door to see who was clapping. It was Copia.

"Bravo, that sounded great" He said, clapping and stepping into the room. "Thank you" I said smiling. "You, Sodo and Aether have been doing a great job. The next ritual is going to be awesome with you there." He said. "I'm still trying to figure out how we are going to introduce you to the crowd, but i'm sure i'll come up with something." He continued. "Yeah, i'm sure you will" Sodo said. "I gotta get going now. Sodo, tell the others to try and take it easy tomorrow, okay?" Copia says before leaving.

"Yeah sure we try." Sodo said, placing his guitar down. "What happens tomorrow?" I asked confused, looking at Sodo. "Oh, no one has told you?" He said. "Told me what?" I asked, also placing my guitar down. "Have you read the ghoul book?" He asked. "No, only the rule book for ghouls" I answered. "Well i guess you should read it before tomorrow" He answered. "Can't you just tell me?" I asked. "It's better explained in the book." He said. "Come on Sodo, just tell me" I said getting frustrated.

"Tomorrow is a cycle day." He said. "And what is that?" "Well, once a month every single ghoul on earth goes on their cycle, like i told you the book will explain it to you better, but simply it affects the way we act. For everyone it affects them a little differently." He explains. "How does it affect, for example?" I asked curious.

"It completely depends on the ghoul. Some might feel tired, depressed, overly happy, hyper sexual or overly emotional. For example, when i'm on my cycle i feel horny as fuck" Sodo answered. "Too much information, Sodo" I said. "Well, you asked" He said laughing. "Yeah, i guess i'll just go and read the book." I said standing up and heading out of the room.

I was starting to feel a little tired, but i guess i should read the book before tomorrow. I headed to the church's library and to the ghoul book section. There is so many books about ghouls, i don't know why i haven't come here before. I took the book from the shelf that said "All you need to know about ghouls" I took the book with me and headed to my room.

I sat down on my bed and started reading through the book. Finally i came across the page that said "Ghouls and their cycle." Apparently the ghouls element also affects the symptoms that the ghoul can experience. Apparently the hyper sexuality is a symptom for every ghoul.

'Wow, that's great' i think to myself. "During the cycle, you can forget water ghoul's characteristic shy and quiet personality. When water ghoul is on their cycle their most common symptoms are: Hyper sexuality, being overly emotional, feeling super energetic and intimacy. Also during the cycle, every ghoul's powers appear stronger as usual." I read from the book. 'Maybe i should just stay in here in my room tomorrow so i don't humiliate myself.' I think as i put the book down on my table.

I shut down the lights and closed my eyes. I couldn't help, but think about me and Rain. I know i like him and he likes me, but does he like me like friend or something more. We were supposed to talk about it, but we haven't had a chance yet. I know that i like him... no i love him, but what if he doesn't feel the same.

Timeskip: Next day

I woke up to the sun lighting up my room. 'I don't feel any different than yesterday, maybe i don't have any symptoms?' i thought to myself. Well, no matter what, i should just try and stay here.

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