Chapter eighteen: Cirice

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Amelia's pov:

Two rituals had gone by and we were  at the airport heading to the next country. All of us were sitting at the waiting lobby, waiting that we could enter our plane. The two of the rituals had gone pretty well. At the last ritual i failed a small part of Spillways, but i think i was able to fix it pretty well. Still, i felt pretty bad after that.

         When we finally got to the plane, we scattered around to look for our seats. This time my seat was next Swiss's. I sighed in relief to sit next to someone familiar this time. Pretty much the rest of the band were on the other side of the plane. Both of us sat down on our seats, trying to get a comfortable position.

           During our flight we ended up scrolling on Swiss's social medias, me peeking over his shoulder as he scrolled. "Hey look, that's us" Swiss said pointing at the photo. It was the picture that we took at the mall with the fans. "Look, there are thousands of comments there." I pointed. Swiss opened up the comment section, scrolling down the comments. In the comments there was many people commenting about our rituals and how jealous they were to the fans that met us at the mall.

        The flight went by quickly. Me and Swiss had so much fun during the flight. Our next ritual was today evening. We would perform at some sort of outside festival. So besides us there would be many other performers too. Aether also told me that most definitely most of the crowd would be pretty drunk.

           We decided that we would go to the festival area only a little while before our ritual. We spent our day preparing in our bus and an hour and a half before our ritual, we headed to the area.

         There was already fans in the crowd waiting, satan knows how long they had been waiting. As our showtime got closer and closer, we went to pick up our instruments. Our crew just got the huge white sheet on it's place and we headed to the stage in our places, getting ready to start the ritual. I could hear the crowd's voice getting louder as it was time for us to start.

         We started to play Kaisarion, the crowd going crazy as the ritual finally started. The white sheet dropped, revealing us to the crowd. The crowd's screams got louder and louder as me, Sodo, Aether and Rain walked to the front of the stage. All of us stood in line in front of the stage, playing the song.

           As Copia started to sing, i backed down to my spot on the stage. Rain, Sodo and Aether soon after doing the same. The crowd was once again full of people, i couldn't see the last row. It was already pretty late at night and you could see that from the crowd, they were starting to get pretty wild.

         Rain came to play next to me. I have been pretty tense about today's ritual since i messed up last time, i didn't tell anyone, but somehow Rain always notices if something is bothering me. "you're doing great" He said. I gave him a slight smile.

            As we finished Kaisarion, Copia started his speech to the crowd. I walked at the edge of the left side of the stage. I sat down on the edge, waving to the few fans that were screaming in the first row.

         Next song we would play is Rats. As we started the song i headed next to Swiss's stage. He was being his usual self, he was dancing and well.. being his usual self. He looked at me laughing as i tried to mimic his moves. I also laughed at myself as i was failing Swiss's moves miserably.

         I wandered back to the middle of the stage where i climbed up the stairs to Mountain's drums. I played with him for a while before heading back down the stairs, next to Rain. "You know what i wanna do after the Ritual" I said to Rain. "What" He looked at me asking. "Get something good to eat." I said. "We'll do that" Rain said smiling as we finished the song.

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