Chapter six: Earth is so beautiful

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The sun shined through my window, waking me up. I squeezed my eyes tighter shut, because of the bright light. 'ughh why is it so bright' i thinked, finally opening my eyes and sitting up slowly. I looked out of the window, sun had already risen.

       I'm feeling so tired that i could sleep another whole night in a row. Still i also felt a little hungry, so i got up from bed and wore the clothes that i had with me and started heading towards the kitchen. I turned to the common room and entered.

     Aether, Sunshine, Cirrus and Rain was already there. "Good morning" I greeted. "Morning" Aether and Rain answered in unison. "Did you stay awake whole night or why are you still wearing the same clothes?" Cirrus asked. I looked at her a little embarrassed, scratching my neck, before answering  "Well, i kinda don't have anything else here to wear, since i left hell in such a hurry." I answered shyly.

      Everyone was silent for a while until Cirrus broke the silence. "Why didn't you say anything, me and sunshine can lend you some of our clothes" Cirrus exclaimed. "Yeah, i have like so much clothes that i can't fit them in my closet anymore" Sunshine continued. "I already know a pair of clothes that are gonna fit you perfectly!" Cirrus exclaimed. "I don't want to be a troub-" I started was soon interrupted by Sunshine "Let's go right now, this is going to be so fun" She exclaimed as she and Cirrus took my arms and started leading me out of the room.

       Before turning the corner i looked back to Rain and Aether with a helpless look on my face. Both of them looked a  little amused, Rain holding back a giggle. At first Cirrus and Sunshine led me to Cirrus's room. Her room was pretty similar than mine, but little bit messier from all of Cirrus's own stuff.

    As soon as we go in the room Cirrus started dig her wardrobe and Sunshine layed down on Cirrus's bed. I quickly sat down on the edge of her bed next to Sunshine. "What kinda clothes do you like?" Cirrus asked from her wardrobe. "Well, everything except dresses are okay." I answered. "You don't like dresses?" Sunshine looked at me confused. "No, i never have. I don't know why, they doesn't feel comfortable" I answer. "Oh, that's funny, for me it's just the opposite. I love how they feel, they are just so comfy." Sunshine explains.

       Suddenly a huge pile of clothes fly towards me, hitting me and Sunshine. "There's few" Cirrus laughs. "CIRRUS" Sunshine yells, trying to tunnel her way out under the clothes. I look at the pile of clothes, my mouth slightly open. "What do you mean "few"" I said looking at Cirrus, amazed. " Yeah, like i said. I have pretty much clothes." Cirrus laughed.

       "Come on Sunshine, let's help her carry these to her room." Cirrus said, taking a pile of clothes to her hands" Sunshine and i did the same. "But what about my clothes" Sunshine whined. "Thank you Sunshine, but i think i'm gonna be fine with these until i can buy my own clothes" I laughed. "Well, Cirrus just so you know, i'm gonna bring some of my clothes to your closet, because mine is so full" Sunshine told Cirrus.

     "No you don't! I finally was able to get a little more space to my closet, it's my space not yours!" Cirrus said. I giggled for the their silly argument.

      We entered my room and started placing the clothes in my closet. When we were done Cirrus and Sunshine continued their way back to the common room. I stayed behind to change my clothes. I looked through the clothes Cirrus gave me and decided to wear gray sweats and just black basic tank top.

      As i was ready, i also headed back to the common room to get something to eat. As i was walking towards the common room i walked across Cirrus, Sunshine and Cumulus. "Oh my satan, they suit you so well" Sunshine yelled. "Cirrus, are those your clothes?" Cumulus asked, confused. "I borrowed them to Amelia, since she wasn't able to bring any of her own clothes here" Cirrus answered. "You look so beautiful, Amelia" Cirrus continued. "Thank you" I answered shyly.

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