Chapter sixty: The End

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Everyone was starting to settle on their places and we could soon start.

     "Okay everyone, are we ready?" Copia exclaimed to the mic. A cheering echoed from the crowd.

    We started the ritual with From the pinnacle to the pit. Before the ritual we changed the setlist and decided that we should play some of the older songs too.

You are cast out from the heavens to the ground.

Blackened feathers falling down.

You will wear your independence like a crown.

    The song kept playing and the crowd kept cheering. It made me feel happy to see them still care, to still like us. It's hard to think that this is going to be our last ritual. Even though that doesn't mean that I can't play anymore, but I'm going to miss the rituals.

   I kept looking at everyone on stage, you could see that they were enjoying themselves too. Though it was weird seeing them on stage without their masks.

    Next song we were going to play was Monstrance clock. I stood on the stage next to Sunshine. At first she seemed a bit nervous, but now there was not even the slightest sign of it. We kept taking turns on the mic, singing the backing vocals.


Come together.

Together as one.

Come together.

For Lucifer's son.

  Next it was time for Zephyr's solo. I've only seen it from the videos online, but I have to admit it was amazing live, he really killed it.

   Sodo, Ifrit, Phantom, Aether and Omega also took turns on who was playing. Swiss was also clearly enjoying his time with Aurora, they are such sweethearts.

    After the song, Rain climbed to our stage. I think he was trying to hide from Sodo. Since Sodo didn't have to play all of the time, he was using his free time teasing Rain.

     "Are you having fun?" I asked amused. "Can I stay here?" He whined sarcastically. "I think Sodo is not finished with you yet." Sunshine laughed. "It's not fair that you two get to just stay here and I have to be there." He sighed.

     "Can I play?" Sunshine asked. "What? Really?" Rain asked. "Yeah, not for the rest of the show though, but for a while?" Sunshine suggested. "Oh my Satan, yeah. Here." Rain said, handing his bass to Sunshine. "This is going to be so much fun!" Sunshine exclaimed, jumping down from the stage and heading to Aether.

     "You can sing the next song." I smiled, handing Rain the mic. "What, in front of everyone?" He asked. "You can do it. I know you have an amazing voice." I answered. Rain took the mic from my hand a bit hesitant.

      Next song was Hanging around. I stood next to Rain and listened to the music. The music kept playing and Rain kept singing the backing vocals, quietly and shyly, but still singing.

    I could see that the crowd were losing their minds over the fact that Rain was singing.

Christ, he told his mother.

He told her not to bother.

'Cause he's alright in the city.

He's high above the ground.

He's just hanging around.

    "I can't wait to get my bass back." Rain sighed as the song ended. "Do you have the heart to take the bass away from her? I mean look at her, she's living her best life." I laughed and pointed to Sunshine.

I'm not scared anymoreOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora