Chapter five: stop trying and start doing

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I don't know how much time passed. I was almost ready with my drawing so i guess a while had passed. I was brought back to reality when there was a knocking on my door. I quickly stood from my seat and hurried to get my mask from my bed. I adjusted the mask back to my face before walking to the door. I was almost at the door before the person behind the door knocked again. "I'm coming" i said grabbing the door knob and opening the door.

The person behind my door was Swiss. "Hey, we have a band practice in 10 minutes, we are only missing you and Copia so we can start." Swiss said. "Oh no, i totally lost track of time, i'm so sorry." I said as i hurried out of my room, closing the door behind me. "Don't worry, we just wanted to make sure that you remember." Swiss laughs. "Thank you really, i would have totally forgotten if you didn't." I said as we were walking towards the band room.

As we were walking on the hallway i suddenly heard rushed footsteps from the hallway on the right. I beginturn my head to look to the direction where the sound comes, but then something hit me, or specifically someone. I fell to the ground with the person who bumped into me. I didn't have time to see who it was. Both of us were now lying on the ground the other person lying on top of me. I could hear Swiss next to me burst into laughter. I opened my eyes and saw who the other person was.

Papa? He lifted his head from my chest and looked at me with a horrified expression on his face. "Oh no mi amore, i am so so sorry, i didn't mean to bump into you like that" Papa said rushing to stand up from me. Swiss was laughing with tears in his eyes, holding his stomach from the pain of laughing so hard. Papa gave him a strict look and held out his hand to help me up from the ground.

     "It's okay" I said embarrassed. He took my hand and lifted my up back to my feet. "Did you get hurt, i'm so sorry, i should've watch where i was going." he said, apologizing. "Swiss for Satans sake stop laughing. She could've been hurt" Papa says, brushing off the dust from me. "You should've seen you, that was hilarious." Swiss yells still dying of laughter. "It's okay Papa, really. I wasn't hurt. I should've watched my step too." I said, still embarrassed.

    Thank Satan for these masks, i bet my face is completely red from embarrassment. Papa pushed still laughing Swiss forward pretty harshly as he started leading me to the practice room. We walked into the room and just as Swiss said, everyone was already there. "What's up with him" Mountain asked when seeing Swiss still trying to gather himself up. Swiss bursted into laughter again. "You guys should've seen that. Copia just bumped into Amelia in the hallway and the both of them fell down like a stack of dominos" He laughed. Sodo now joining his laughter. "C'mon guys only the two of you could find that funny" Cumulus snorts.

     Copia walks to the front giving the two a look to stop laughing. I walk quietly to the sofa that is across the room. I sat down as i don't yet know how to play any instrument. Papa starts talking while Rain sneaks towards me and squats down so he is on the same level as me. "Are you okay, did you get hurt?" He asks with a worried tone. "Oh, no. I'm okay. It was more just embarrassing." I told Rain. "Yeah i get it, i'm glad you're okay." Rain says.

      I looked him in the eyes as he spoke. His brown eyes looked so caring, enchanting and sweet, they were so beautiful. "Thank you for checking on me though" I smiled at him. He smiled back at me, now standing up and returning to his spot.

     "Okay buddies, let's start this practice. Let's start with Respite on the Spitalfields, yeah?" Papa begins. Soon after they start playing. I sit on my spot listening, how all the instruments absorbs together. Their playing sounded so beautiful, i've never heard anything like that. Every instrument had their own unique voice and together they all make this beautiful harmony.

       After that they played few other song too. I liked all of them, i could've just sit here rest of the day and listen to them playing. "Okay i guess we are done for today, you can go now" Papa says. Everyone started putting down their instruments. "Oh actually Sodo, wait up" Papa says. "Yeah what" Sodo answers. "You could stay here a little longer. I need you to teach Amelia some guitar." Papa orders. "Do i have to like right now?" Sodo conveys. "Do you have something better to do" Papa said. "Well i thought that i would go to eat after practice." Sodo sighs. "Yes, you can go to eat after you teach Amelia." Papa says. "But-" Sodo starts. "Yep that's settled" Papa says. "Everyone except Sodo is free to go" Papa continues.

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