Chapter nineteen: End of tour

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Timeskip and Amelia's pov:

We went to the hospital a day after the incident to take x-ray pictures from my ankle. Luckily nothing was broken, but i got a brace that should support my ankle. I was now able to walk, but it still hurt like hell.

        One ritual had gone by after that, but i ended up sitting that one out. I just didn't feel ready to go back on stage, not yet. Only a thought of being back on stage made me get flashbacks from what happened.

         We only had one more ritual left on our tour and i know that i can't make any excuses anymore. If i don't go on stage next ritual, it's going to be even harder for me when we go on our next tour, but even thinking about it makes me anxious.

        We were in our bus heading to the last country of our tour. We were in a rush, since we had a pretty long way still ahead of us. We didn't have time to make many stops, if we wanted to make it on time. We had agreed that we would stop to get some food, but we would take the food with us and eat on the road.

         We stopped into a small fast food restaurant, all of us headed out of the bus and inside to the restaurant. "Okay everyone, try to be quick." Copia said, hurrying. All of us stepped in line, ordering our food one by one. After we had ordered we sat down to wait for our food. It didn't take that long for our food to come since there wasn't that many customers.

         We grabbed our foods and headed back to the bus. I sat down next to Rain to eat. The bus was completely quiet as everyone were eating their food. "This is weird." Cirrus said, breaking the silence. "What is?" Mountain asked. "It's so quiet." Cirrus answered. "Now that you mention it, it's really calm here." Mountain said. "Hey yo, Swiss and Sodo that was your sign, give us some noise" Aether called. "No you don't have to." Mountain says. It was completely quiet. "Swiss? Sodo?" Aether called again. "What the hell?" Aether sat up and headed to look for the two.

        Copia now lifting his head interested. "They are not here" Aether said after looking for awhile. "What do you mean they are not here?!" Copia exclaims. "Yeah, there is no sign of them." Aether says. "Did we leave without them?" Cumulus asks. "Oh no, we don't have time for this." Copia sighs annoyedly, walking to the bus driver telling him to turn around and head back to the restaurant.

          Bus stopped at the same spot where we were a little earlier. Aether and Copia stepped out of the bus and hurried inside. As they stepped inside they heard a group laughing at the other side of the restaurant. There was Swiss and Sodo sitting in the table with two girls. Girls were giggling as Sodo and Swiss were flirting with them.

          "What the hell are you doing." Copia yelled, making Sodo and Swiss jump at the sudden loud voice. "Oh, you scared me. Are we leaving soon?" Swiss asked. " Get up" Copia ordered madly. Swiss and Sodo looked at each other confused and slowly stood up from the table. Copia turned on his heels and headed back to the bus. Swiss and Sodo waved goodbyes to the two girls and started walking towards the bus with Aether.

             "Why is he so mad" Sodo asked. "You didn't do that on purpose?" Aether asked. "Do what?" Sodo asked. "Copia told us that we have to take our food with us since we are in a hurry and don't have time to make any extra stops." Aether continues. "Oh, i forgot" Swiss said. "Yeah, we had to turn around." Aether says. "Wait, did you guys leave without us?" Sodo asked. "Did you forget us?" Swiss continued. Aether just laughed at the two, Swiss placing his hand on his chest, acting offended. "Come on" Copia rushed.

          Aether, Sodo and Swiss hurried back to the bus. "Where were the two of you?" Cirrus asked. "Guess" Sodo said. "Are you serious?." Cirrus asked. "Sodo stop teasing her, they were eating and flirting with two humans" Aether says. We continued our way towards our next ritual.

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