Chapter twenty three: What about my rats?

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Copia's pov:

After i had warn the ghouls, i headed straight to my office. I have to figure out how we get out of this situation, how i can fix things. I close the door behind me as i entered my office. I sat down on my chair, sighing deeply.

        Where could Sister Imperator go, she never leaves the church, not voluntarily. I know for a fact that my ghouls have absolutely nothing to do with it. I have to get rid of Sister Susan, but how? She has manipulated most of the sisters and the church's clergy to her side. I have to protect my ghouls, they have done nothing wrong. I will soon go look for Sunshine. Aether told me that she went to the infirmary, so i believe that she is safe there for a while.

        Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted as Sister Susan barged into my office. She looked furious. "Where are your ghouls?!" She yelled. "My ghouls? Well they usually hang out at the common room, but if they are not there i guess they are in their rooms." I lied. "Oh really, stop lying. Where are they?!" She asked again annoyedly. "I don't know" I said again.

        "You told them something and now they are gone. Do you even understand what you have done? They are dangerous." Sister says. "I don't understand what you have against them, they haven't done anything to you." I said. "Those creatures have manipulated you. They NEED to be captured, they can't just roam free around humans." She said. "Well good luck finding them." I say, looking back to my table. I could hear Sister huffing angrily.

         "I'm going to find them, you know? I already have one and soon i will have all of them." She says. "Sisters, take him." She orders. Two of the sisters steps into my room, heading closer to me. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Since you are not co-operating with me, i can't risk you trying to mess things up." She says.

       The two sisters grab me from my arms, lifting me from my chair.I probably could fight them off of me, but fighting is not gonna solve anything. "Where are you taking me?" I ask. "Somewhere where you can't do any harm." She answers. "What about my rats? Who will feed them?" I ask. "Someone will, just be quiet and walk." Sister says annoyedly. "Someone better." I say.

        I follow sisters, interested in where they plan on taking me. We wander through the hallway of the church, finally stopping in front of a set of huge doors, which i recognized. Basement.

        Sister opened the doors. As the doors opened, the cold basement air hit me in the face. We stepped into the dark basement, walking down the stairs. At each step closer to the bottom, air only got colder. "Are you really gonna leave me here? It's freezing." I said. "You'll be fine." Sister said.

        It was pretty dark in the basement, so i could barely see in front of me. There was five cells in the basement and we stopped in front of the first one. Sister Susan opened the door to the cell. "Go on" She waved for me to get in. "Come on, we can talk about this." I tried. "It's too late. We can talk when you will tell me the location of your ghouls" She answered.

       I let out a deep breath, knowing that there was no way i would tell her where the ghouls are. Honestly, i don't even know, but she doesn't have to know that.

       I stepped inside the cell, Sister locking the door behind me. "Cardinal, i am going to find the ghouls the easy way or the hard way, but anyway i'm going to find them." Sister said. I didn't bother answering. "You two have more than enough time to discuss what the way should be, i would hate to make her an example of the hard way." Sister continued. "Two of us?" I asked.

         Sister reached to the wall,clicking the lights on. I closed my eyes, from the sudden light. The light wasn't even that bright but my eyes had just started to get used to the dark. As i opened my eyes i looked around me. I was alone in my cell, but the cell next to me wasn't empty. There was a person laying on the cold cement floor. More specifically a ghoulette.

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