Chapter twenty: Sister Susan

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Amelia's pov:

Soon we would be back home. We were driving towards the church, only 20 minutes left before we would get there. Car was filled with quite sleepy snores. Everyone was exhausted from all of the traveling. I would go straight to bed when we got back to church.

"Look there it is!" Cirrus yelled, waking everyone up. "What" Sodo asked grumpily, rubbing his eyes. "Home" Cirrus continued, pointing to the church at the end of the road. "Ughh, finally" Swiss yawned.

Our car pulled to the front of the church. Everyone quickly grabbed their stuff and started heading inside. I turned to look at Rain who was still sound asleep. "Rain honey, we are here" I said, poking him gently to his shoulder. Poking him didn't seem to have any affect. "Rain?" I said shaking him a little. Then his eyes snapped wide open and he took a huge gasp of air, like he got spooked by me waking him up. He looked around him in panic, trying to catch his breath.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm sorry if i scared you." I said placing my hand on his cheek. He looked at me with a panicked expression." "W-where are we?" He asked, trying to gather up his thoughts. "Back at the church" I answered. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Y-yeah, i just got spooked." He answered, but still seemed a little disoriented. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Yeah, let's get inside." Rain said getting up from the car. I looked after him for a while before getting after him, a little confused about what just happened.

We got back inside and took our bags back to our rooms. "I'm going back to sleep, what about you?" I asked Rain. "No i don't need to, i slept on the way here" Rain answered. "Oh, okay. Well if you change your mind, you know where to find me" I said smiling. "Yeah, sleep well" Rain said.

I headed back to my room, going straight to my bed. It feels like forever since i've slept in my own bed. I closed my eye and tried to fall asleep. I was a little worried about Rain. I'm not sure if i'm just overthinking it or if something is wrong.

Rain's pov:

After Amelia went back to sleep to her room, i went back to mine. I slept through the whole car ride from the airport to the church, but during the whole ride i had this weird dream. A bad dream. In the dream we were back in the church, Everyone from the band had disappeared. I was all alone, except for my mom or mostly her voice. Wherever i went, her voice followed me. Her voice kept telling horrible things to me that i am the reason why everyone is gone, why i was alone.

Sometimes i found someone from the band, but they hated me. I had hurted them, i don't know how, but i had. At some point of the dream, i realized that i was asleep and that i was dreaming, i tried everything to wake up from the dream, but everytime the dream just started all over again. I don't even know how many times i went through the same dream.

I have seen this type of dreams before and it was so hard to get rid of them back then, but they'd never felt as real as this one. I got so scared when Amelia woke me up, i wasn't sure if i was really awake, i thought that i hurt her too.

Of course i felt so tired after the tour, but i had to think about this for a while. I would never hurt anyone, i couldn't. But the feeling of being all alone was sadly familiar from my childhood. Back then all i had was my manipulative mother, i didn't have any friends, i was bullied. I was all alone.

I decided to go see Copia. When i first got here, he helped me get over all of the things that i was going through back then. I wandered to his office and knocked on the door. I heard shuffling from inside the office coming towards the door and soon after the door swung open.

"Hi, Copia. I was wondering if you'd have time to talk?" I asked. "Oh, Rain i'm so sorry, i would love to, but i'm so busy right now, everything here is a mess." Copia answered. "Oh, is there any way i can help?" I asked. "No, not right now. We'll talk some other time, okay?" Copia said. "Yeah, sure" I said. Copia headed back to his office and closed the door behind him.

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