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Authors P.O.V

Yuqi walked towards where the group was sat on the floor around the small table, her arms filled with beer cans and a grin plastered on her lips as she set them down on the table. 

She motioned for them to wait a second before grabbing three bottles of Soju and a few small shot glasses and putting them down too beside the cans. 

"Today we drink to the brink of death". The Chinese girl announced, clapping after her declaration.
She opened a beer can for herself, taking a long sip. 

Vernon glanced at her with an unsure expression. "You seem drunk already, Song Yuqi". 

The statement caused laughter to erupt within the friends, the Chinese girl denying the comment aggressively as she went in for a second sip. 

Hayeon poured herself and Jisung a shot each of Soju as the others took their preferred drinks too. They'd had a heavy gaming session for two hours and then ate dinner together. 
Now they were sat for a liquor session. 

"Let's do truth and dare". Wooyoung suggested, leaning backwards on his hands. He wiggled his eyebrows. "I'm sure we've all got some tea to spill". 
Ryujin scrunched her face at the idea. "Bo-ring". She drawled out, purposely trying to annoy him. 

Judging from his put-off expression, it was working. 
He shot her a judging side-glance, earning a hard glare from her in response.
Hayeon watched them fight, an amused smile on her lips as she took her second shot of Soju. "Doesn't anyone else have any life updates?". 

Yeonjun raised his hand. "I have a girlfriend". 

All their jaws dropped in sync, Jisung choking on his liquor while Yuqi's eyes widened considerably at the comment he made so calmly. 

"Since when the fuck?". Wooyoung scoffed hurtly, placing a hand to his chest. "Honey! How could you betray me like this and not tell?".
"How pretty is she? Absolutely blinding?". Yuqi questioned, wiggling her brows. 

Yeonjun ran a hand through his hair, taking a sip from his beer can. "Its only been a few days since we started dating. I was going to tell you guys but I knew you would all react like this so I was putting it off". He rolled his eyes. 

Vernon cleared his throat and sat up. "You had her over here the other day, didn't you?".
He rubbed the back of his neck, looking away. "No I didn't. You guys haven't even met her before. I never brought her over". 

"He's lying!". Jisung pointed out. 
They were all aware of his habit where he was unable to look someone in the eye if he wasn't telling the truth. 

The eldest folded his arms, shaking his head in disapproval. "I knew it! It had to be either you or Wooyoung when I saw a whole bunch of food disappeared from the fridge. And then I found a lipstick in your room when I was cleaning up, so it was you".
Yeonjun mumbled a curse under his breath. "Shoot". 

"Shoot?". Vernon repeated, cocking his head. "I'm about to shoot you, Mr. Choi Yeonjun. A co-habitation rule we established very long ago was no females in this apartment. Especially not at midnight".

Hayeon exchanged a look with Ryujin and a tipsy Yuqi. "We must identify as cats then". 
"Hey, you know what I mean by that". Vernon interjected, defensively. 

She held her hands up. "Oops, sorry dad. You seem pretty angry". 
"Not the.." Vernon sighed. "The nickname".

Why he was mad at Yeonjun was soon forgotten as the friends began bombarding him with questions, not a single one of them sparing his life until he answered. 

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