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Hayeon pushed back a strand of hair, glancing at herself in the mirror with a smile curving at her lips as Yuqi and Ryujin finished getting her ready.

She'd insisted she'd be fine on her own, but the two had insisted that they wanted to take part. 

The silky black dress hugged her body and felt soft and cold against her skin, an oddly good feeling. Her dark hair had been pulled low into a messy bun as she pulled on a pair of black heels. 

"I'm actually fangirling right now". Yuqi exclaimed, dreamily. "You actually slay that dress, Yeon. Jisung's brothers' girlfriend has real good taste". 

The compliment made her heart warm and she left the room to grab her small black handbag which was on the couch, reaching out for her phone and the gift bag as well. 

"It's so weird to witness her going to such a huge party like this". Yuqi mumbled, so the dark-haired wouldn't hear, as she looked at Ryujin beside her. "I mean, when was the last time she went anywhere except work dinners and out with us?". 

Ryujin agreed, sighing. "It's good though". 

"I know". The Chinese shrugged, pouting. "I'm just worried if she'll be okay. Jisung really changed her, I wonder if she knows". 

The two were busy murmuring in her rook while she fixed her dress and popped a mint into her mouth, anxiously fiddling with her fingers while waiting for the black-haired boy to arrive. 

To say she was nervous was an understatement. Yet there was a hint of excitement there too. 

The doorbell rang and she jolted up, going towards the door to unlock it with a grin on her face as the boy stepped inside. 

He wore a black suit with a tie and his hair was disheveled, messily covering his forehead as he waved. Hands tucked into his pockets and skin gleaming, he took her breath away instantly.

"How come you don't wear suits often?". The words left her lips quicker than she could think before allowing them to. She punched his shoulder lightly, grin widening. 

Jisung winced, cocking his head. "Ouch! Can I ever get complimented without being abused at the same time?". He grunted, glancing over to Ryujin and Yuqi who were laughing amusedly at the duo's dynamic. 

The four left the apartment at the same time, parting ways once they were outside with Hayeon and Jisung heading to the venue while the other two were on their way back home.  

Hayeon strapped her seatbelt, fiddling nervously as Jisung rolled down the windows for some fresh air. The time was nearing six thirty, which meant they would arrive perfectly on time. 

"Are you nervous?". Hayeon asked, turning towards him, curiously. "There'll be a lot of people there". 

"I was gonna ask the same thing". He replied, a smile ghosting his lips as he focused ahead of him, trying not to take notice of her intent gaze. 

The conversation didn't continue and the two opted to keep the comfortable silence until they'd arrived, playing soft music in the background. 

The drive took no longer than fifteen minutes and they were already standing at the venue front desk before they knew it. 

Jisung checked their names with the lady behind the desk and she gestured for them to take the stairs to the first floor. 

Hayeon nervously tucked back a strand of dark hair, following Jisung's lead as the two walked up the stairs. 

She held the gift bag in her hand, silently hoping he would like the present. 

"Hayeon!". Minseo was the first to notice them amongst the large crowd in the humongous hall. 

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