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Authors P.O.V

Hayeon's brows furrowed as she glanced at her phone for the nth time while laying in bed. It was night time already and she had called Jisung a few times after he had not replied to her texts all day, yet he had not answered her calls either. 

There was an unsettling feeling in the pit of her stomach, which kept her awake despite how her tired she actually felt.

She opened her phone once more and flicked through her contacts before she tapped on the right one. This would be her last shot to knowing something. 

She dialled the number, sitting upright in her bed as it was ringing while her lips were pressed together tightly. 


The dark-haired felt a smile tug at the corners of her lips, sighing in relief. "Hey, its me, Hayeon. I'm so glad you picked up". 

"Oh, Hayeon. How are you?". Jihoon's exhausted voice floated through the line. It was not the usual cheery voice she'd heard the few times she met him.
"I'm fine. How about you? Is there something wrong?". 
The elder male sighed. "No, I'm okay, its just been a rough day". He sighed. "Is Jisung okay?".

The knot in her stomach now tightened, throat drying at the sudden question. 

"I called you to ask about Jisung.." She murmured, frowning. 

There was a pause and short silence from the other line. "So you're not with Jisung right now?". He asked. "I thought you two might be together since he wasn't answering my calls". 

"No, no". She denied instantly, tensing up. "I haven't talked to or seen him since he left work in the morning. He wasn't replying to me either so I called you to see if everything was alright.."

Jihoon sighed harshly. "Oh, god. I think you should go over to Jisung's place right now. He's.. he's not in a good state right now to be by himself". 

The dark-haired had to be told no more. 
She was already grabbing a dark grey hoodie to toss on, tying the laces of her sneakers as her frown deepened by the second. 

Switching off the lights, she grabbed her car keys and dashed out the door after locking the apartment. 

She was still on call with Jihoon when she plugged in her seatbelt, starting the car engine. It seemed her heartbeat had grown to become faster upon hearing his worrying words. 

"What happened?". She asked, biting down on her bottom lip as she took a left to exit her street. 
Jihoon sighed softly. "I think you'd be better off hearing everything from him. It's better for him to share it with you too, to lighten the weight on his shoulders". 

When she pulled up into his street, he'd already ended the call. 

Quickly parking the car somewhere free nearby, Hayeon entered his apartment building. She headed to the elevator, pressing in the buttons for his floor as her foot tapped against the ground impatiently. 

She knew his apartment code, and yet it felt wrong to just enter like that so the dark-haired pressed his bell first. 

A minute passed and there was no response. 

Is he not home? 

She rang the doorbell once more, yet was met with the same silence and no answer. 

Taking a deep breath, she punched in the keys on the keypad and it pinged, allowing the front door to his apartment to open by itself. 

She gently closed it behind her, entering the apartment which was cold and dark, not a single light switched on in the living room or connected kitchen. 
She turned on a living room light. It was empty. 

healer | han jisungTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang