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Authors P.O.V

Hayeon walked inside the meeting room, dipping a bow to her colleagues before slipping into the free chair beside Jisung, who smiled at her. 
She brought out her laptop from her satchel, and placed it in front of her before her eyes curiously scanned the large desk, noticing the absence of someone. 

A sigh of relief unintentionally left her lips, something which did not go unnoticed by him. 

He leaned towards her. "You were getting so furious when I told you, but you're glad not to see him". He muttered in a low voice. 
She turned her head, shooting him a glare. "That's because you could've gotten yourself into deep trouble after doing that. You're lucky he doesn't have the guts to report you for assault but.." She began protesting, but her voice trailed off. 

He quirked a brow at why she stopped mid sentence. 

"He's not gonna just let it slide that easily. He's an unstable lunatic, and there's no telling what he might do so I don't want you to get hurt". She sighed. 

Jisung rested his elbows up on the table, leaning his chin into his palm as he looked in her direction with a cute smile. 

She pulled a face at him, murmuring something about their fellow colleagues noticing and moved her chair a little further away from the black-haired boy. 

Although they weren't completely denying their relationship, she didn't want anybody to think they were unprofessional or distracted when at work. 

Especially, when his gaze on her was enough to make her heartbeat crazily increase. 

Jisung leaned in towards her from the side, his hand clasping the bottom of her chair and pulling it all the way close to his. 
The action made her flinch, eyes wide as she gaped at him in disbelief. 

He grinned. "What?".

"Do you have a death wish?". She deadpanned, through clenched teeth and in a low voice so that it wouldn't catch anybody's attention. 

"Don't sit so far away from me". He replied, pouting his lips.
She facepalmed internally. "Please, I'm only like one meter away from you, Jisung". 
"That's a lot".
"No, its not". 
"Why be a meter away when you can be like 5 centimetres away?". 

She rolled her eyes at his response, lips parting to answer but CEO Yoon walked through the doors before she could. 

Everyone stood up to dip a bow and greet her before she gestured for them to seat themselves. 

Hayeon didn't move her chair back to its original position, much to his delight, and only passed him a small smile when he questioned it. 

She liked the way their elbows touched slightly as they listened carefully to CEO Yoon during the meeting and the reassuring feeling of him right beside her. 


The dark-haired raised her distant eyes up towards their CEO, shaking away her thoughts and nodding in response. 

"Can you head over today to Starforce Entertainment regarding the collaboration of DREAMDAY and Doyun?". She asked. "Hanmin could accompany you". 

She nodded. "Sure". Her eyes turning towards the named producer. 

Hanmin shook his head apologetically. "I have a really packed day too, it'll be hard for me to free up some time to head over there". 

"Its fine". She assured. "I could take Jisung with me, if that's alright?". 
CEO Yoon nodded in approval, wrapping up the meeting and saying words of encouragement before leaving. 

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