Chapter 045 - 046

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Chapter 045 A petty man

After drinking a lot of water, Luo Xiaobai felt comfortable. Throwing the empty water bottle to Mo Ming, he lay on the sleeping bag like an uncle.

Mo Ming took the bottle and put it aside. He planned to go over and have a good time with his little guy, but unfortunately he was interrupted by someone coming in.

"The camp has started cooking. I made three servings. Come and eat." Chu Feng put the dinner plate on the ground. There was no table for them to eat here.

"Thank you." Luo Xiaobai quickly sat up and thanked her, completely missing his lazy look just now.

Chu Feng shook his head, opened the disposable chopsticks, picked up his portion and started eating.

Mo Ming sat next to Luo Xiaobai and ate with him.

After the three of them finished eating, Luo Xiaobai took the initiative to clean up and took away the empty mineral water bottles and disposable lunch boxes.

Mo Ming and Chu Feng were soon left in the tent. They were not talkative people to begin with, so they immediately fell silent.

"You can't mess with him." Mo Ming warned coldly.

Chu Feng glanced at Mo Ming indifferently, "What position do you stand in saying this to me?"

Mo Ming's face suddenly darkened, "Are you going to be right with me?" "

It's impossible to talk about being right. , but I will definitely provoke Luo Xiaobai." Chu Feng's words were loud and clear.

"Hey, what are you talking about? We seem to be having a very lively chat." Luo Xiaobai came back from outside after throwing away the trash.

The two people inside became silent again. After a while, Chu Feng said: "After the earthquake, plague is also a problem. Are the troops prepared?" "Probably, I heard instructor Yan mention it." Luo

Xiaobai After sitting down, once people are free, they don't want to move at all. As a result, before he could move, the ground shook again.

Mo Ming was still the one who reacted the fastest. He hugged Luo Xiaobai into his arms and ran out of the tent.

There was chaos outside again, and many people who had experienced horrific earthquakes before were so frightened that they cried.

Fortunately, the reaction of this aftershock was not big, and it was over in just two seconds.

The soldiers began to reassure the masses and let everyone continue to rest. The Seismological Bureau had already sent news that there would be no more major earthquakes.

Luo Xiaobai also knew that the earthquake was indeed over, but he was really not optimistic about the Earthquake Bureau.

If it could be predicted in advance, there would not be such heavy casualties.

Of course, things in the world cannot always go as planned. If the instruments were foolproof, there would be no natural disasters in every country.

Compared with natural disasters, what is more terrifying are man-made disasters.

Just as Mo Ming had expected, some people's minds had become active.

Although the troops tried their best to control the riot, there were still new casualties.

In just three days, Luo Xiaobai saw the bad nature of people, and of course, the more kind-hearted and united side. Under absolute force, those who tried to spread rumors and disrupt order were detained.

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