Chapter 027 - 028

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Chapter 027 Accident

On Monday, when the sky was dark and bright, Luo Xiaobai left the school dormitory and left alone with his schoolbag.

Stepping on the morning dew, Luo Xiaobai came to squat near Wangxiao Bridge.

Sitting on the steps by the roadside, Luo Xiaobai put his schoolbag on his knees. It was now 7:20 in the morning, and there were still 20 minutes before the Oasis Kindergarten school bus passed by.

After a while, an old woman wearing a sanitation worker's outfit sneaked over.

"Young man, we have agreed that twenty yuan per person can't be less."

Luo Xiaobai took out three ten yuan bills directly from his pocket, "This is the deposit, don't worry now, go get ready, don't worry." Let the school bus look at Xiaoqiao."

After taking the three ten-dollar notes, the aunt immediately became energetic and puffed out her chest and said: "Don't worry!"

Luo Xiaobai was really worried, otherwise she wouldn't have Acupuncture and Chinese patent medicines are packed in my schoolbag.

As time passed by, Luo Xiaobai felt that his heart was about to jump into his throat.

According to the time given by the system, if a school bus had an accident at Wangxiao Bridge, it would definitely be the morning bus.

The only kindergarten nearby that has registered school buses is Oasis Kindergarten.

I saw a bright yellow school bus slowly approaching.

Three sanitation workers put up a sign beside the bridge that said it was under maintenance and closed to traffic.

Luo Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the school bus stop in front of the bridge and turn around to leave.

At this critical moment, a large truck was driving at an alarming speed on Wangxiao Bridge.

The three sanitation workers didn't bother to remove the sign and quickly stood on the sidewalk.

I saw the big truck swaying left and right, knocking off the road sign, and then headed straight for the school bus that had turned!

"Bang!" There was a loud noise, and the large truck rolled over, and the cargo behind it was actually boxes of beer!

Beer bottles poured out and shattered on the ground.

The front of the truck almost plunged into the school bus. Fortunately, the impact was on the rear of the school bus. And because the school bus was moving forward, a lot of force was lost invisibly. Even so, the school bus was still severely deformed and rolled over!

Luo Xiaobai didn't dare to think about how tragic the head-on collision would have been if the school bus had not turned but instead drove onto Wangxiao Bridge.

"Hurry and save people!"

"Call 119!"

Passers-by and sanitation workers were all in a mess, and nearby businesses immediately called emergency services.

Luo Xiaobai rushed over almost 100 meters away. At this time, the head of the large truck was severely deformed, and the driver had almost no chance of survival.

Gritting his teeth, Luo Xiaobai rushed directly to the school bus that was smoking black.

The door of the school bus could not be opened at all. A group of children inside were crying, screaming, and some were trembling with fear.

"Bump!" Picking up a stone on the roadside, Luo Xiaobai smashed the windshield on the right side of the school bus.

The driver had fallen into a coma, with a trail of blood on his forehead.

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