Chapter 309 - 310

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Chapter 309 Super Genius

"Are you okay?" Chu Yu supported Xiang Yu who almost fell.

On Xiang Yu's leg, there was a wound half a foot long. The flesh and blood were turned out, and it looked very scary. Xiang Yu smiled dryly, "It's not a skin wound, it doesn't matter."

Luo Xiaobai took a step forward, "You can see the bones, the skin injury is still there, quickly find a place to lie down." Without saying a word, Chu Yu directly carried Xiang Yu back to the room. Fortunately, the battle was outside and the room was still clean.

"Let Lao Hu come in!" Xiang Yu couldn't lie down, and there were his brothers outside.

Chu Yu could only call Old Hu in at the door. This man was one of Xiang Yu's confidants. Although he was also injured, the injury was not serious because he was a speed power user.

"Boss!" Lao Hu looked at Xiang Yu's legs worriedly.

"That look in your eyes, your boss, I can't die. Go see the other brothers. Send them to the hospital. Remember to comfort the families of those who died." Xiang Yu said heartbrokenly. These people have been with him for a long time. He didn't expect that they would all be together in the end of the world. I survived, but now...

"Yes!" Lao Hu immediately went out to make arrangements.

Luo Xiaobai had already used gold needles to help him stop the bleeding. "The blood is red, which shows that the weapon that hurt you has no owner." "


'd better disinfect it for me. What kind of weapon did he use?" Thinking of scratching his own Things,

Xiang Yu responded.

"What is that thing? It's obviously very sharp." Luo Xiaobai asked while helping him disinfect it. Next to him, Chu Yu said, "It's the nails. The nails of the person with enhanced powers can grow long and are extremely sharp." Luo Xiaobai picked up another piece of alcohol cotton ball, "That should be disinfected. Who knows?"

Do you have a good habit of washing hands frequently? After disinfection, Luo Xiaobai began to sew up his wound.

Because the wound was too long, it took Luo Xiaobai more than ten minutes to sew it up.

"Don't get wet in a short time, and don't have sex. I'll come over in a week to remove your stitches. "

Luo Xiaobai clapped his hands and stood up.

"Okay. "Xiang Yu sat up directly. This injury was nothing to him.

"What happened just now? Why did a person with enhanced powers suddenly appear here? "Mo Ming asked, and the other party was very strong, beyond their imagination.

Chu Yu and Xiang Yu didn't know this either.

Xiang Yu could only tell the situation at that time, "You guys left not long ago, Chu Yu and I Playing chess in the backyard, and then the sound of fighting comes from the front yard. "

At first, Xiang Yu thought someone was looking for trouble. After all, after the end of the world, there are always a few ordinary people with abnormal brain circuits coming to make trouble. But the sound of fighting became louder and louder, and screams were heard from time to time. Old Hu was even more worried. He ran over from the front yard and urged them to leave quickly.

Xiang Yu's roots are here, how could he leave, let alone his many brothers here.

The purpose of the superpower-enhanced person was very strong, and he should be targeting Xiang Yu and Chu Yu Lai didn't bother too much in the front yard.

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