Chapter 321- 322

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Chapter 321 Eat Chicken

"Roar!" The blood leopard let out a low roar.

Luo Xiaobai raised his lips and smiled, "Fortunately, it's not a mutant, it's just a simple beast."

"Then let's solve it quickly!" Mo Ming just flicked his wrist twice, and Chu Yu had already thrown out the cane. , quickly restrained the blood leopard.

The blood leopard has not undergone any transformation, and he can only withstand attacks from the five elements.

Soon, the blood leopard was lying on the ground with bruises all over his body, whining towards the main coffin.

Just when Luo Xiaobai was about to kill the blood leopard with one blow, the sarcophagus in the chamber suddenly made a banging sound. Luo Xiaobai almost knelt on the ground in fright because the sound came from inside.

Mo Ming immediately stood in front of the little guy, and the dark energy became even more obvious.

"Ancestor!" Sun Jun trembled, it couldn't be what he thought!

Chu Yu held Sun Jun's shoulders and said, "It's not the ancestor of the Sun family." "

How could it be?" Xiang Yu asked puzzledly, could these powerful impacts be fake?

Chu Yu looked at the sarcophagus coldly, "It was the ancestor of the Sun family who trapped that thing."

"What do you mean?" Luo Xiaobai was confused.

Sun Jun reacted, "You said that the corpses outside were all eaten by the things inside. It also wanted to devour the ancestor's corpse, but was trapped in the sarcophagus by the ancestor." "That's right." Chu Yu turned his head.

Looking at Mo Ming, "Maybe you will know what's inside." Everyone's attention shifted to Mo Ming at the same time.

Mo Ming retrieved the Demon Lord's memory, "You mean the corpse-eating beast?"

Chu Yu nodded, "To be precise, it should be the mutated corpse-eating beast."

Luo Xiaobai blinked, "What is that? I Why haven't you heard of it?"

Not to mention Luo Xiaobai, not even Sun Jun, who is an immortal cultivator, has never heard of it.

As a direct descendant of the Chu family, Chu Yu is very familiar with these rare and strange things.

"The corpse-eating beast is a kind of magical beast. It was raised by the demons thousands of years ago. It feeds on the corpses of living creatures to strengthen itself. However, because its behavior was too bad, it would not let go of the corpses of the same kind, and was eventually removed from the Demon Lord's list. Without

the protection of the demon clan, the corpse-eating beast became a street rat that everyone shouted and beat, and soon disappeared. Everyone thought

that this kind of thing was extinct, but they didn't expect that it would appear after the apocalypse."

After listening to Chu Yu's words, Everyone looked at the main coffin at the same time, "What kind of thing is that?

" It was a big rat. "Luo Xiaobai has already seen it through clairvoyance.

It's just that the mouse's body is purple-red, and there is a devil's horn on its head.

At this time, the corpse-eating beast is trapped in the sarcophagus, and it is Sun Yat-sen who is stepping on it. The bones of the ancestor of the Sun family, but surprisingly, the bones were not destroyed, but the corpse-eating beast was in pain. "It seems that this guy is too greedy and came here to steal food. I didn't expect to meet the ancestor of the Sun family."

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