Chapter 67: (Terrible Scoodlers)

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(Terrible Scoodlers)

*June 15th, 1906*


Dorothy held Toto in her arms while facing off against the terrible creatures while Button-Bright, Shaggy Man, and Polychrome stood by to watch the events unfolding right before them.

"I won't tolerate you nor anyone here messing with my friends and dog! Just leave us alone and allow us to proceed with our journey" Dorothy commanded the creatures before being met with a maniacal laugh from the creature which caused several more to appear from the cliffs while more laughter could be heard.

"Now there are more of them, lots of them! What shall we ever do.." Polychrome spoke out while looking in all directions in hopes of seeing something she could use to defend herself while Button-Bright shook his head in denial.

"Don't Know but I'm getting scared.." Button-Bright spoke out with growing fear in his voice which caused Shaggy Man to pat him on his fox head.

"Don't be! Dorothy shall save us from harm and I have my trusty love magnet as well, so fear not, my boy!" Shaggy Man advised Button-Bright before gulping in sign of slight fear as suddenly, one of the creatures began to cry out in a high-pitched voice.

"Scoodlers!! We want you trespassers as soup! We shall boil everyone here alive so we can finally feast upon your bodies!" One of the creatures spoke to the gang while Dorothy remained calm but still a bit shocked nonetheless.

"These Scoodlers must be cannibals, if I wanna call it that considering we're human and they're not but we gotta find a way out of here before it's too late!" Dorothy advised her friends sternly while everyone nodded their heads in an understanding way as our heroes prepared for any means necessary to escape.

"I don't want to be eaten as a soup or anything of the sort.." Button-Bright spoke out fearfully while Shaggy Man nodded in agreement while gulping once more before pulling out his love magnet.

"I'm with you, my boy, But fear not! I have my love magnet and this shall make those terrible creatures love us as if a mother loves her child or rather how someone loves to eat a nice steak" Shaggy Man spoke out while showing off his object; however, this only made Dorothy and the others glare at him while the Scoodlers laughed at this.

"Oh, we will love you, all right. Love you in our SOUP!" Another scoolder responded before cackling to himself while Dorothy and the others were left to think on their toes during this.

"Alright, I guess our only option is to do something drastic.. something that will change the foundation of this adventure..." Shaggy Man spoke to everyone once more while Dorothy, Button-Bright, and Polychrome all stepped forward in anticipation of what their friend was going to say.

"You have a plan? I'm curious to know what it shall be. All I want is to escape this terrible place" Polychrome responded to Shaggy Man in a curious voice while she waited for whatever her new friend was going to say.

"Well, we should...RUN FOR OUR LIVES!!" Shaggy Man responded in a panicky voice before quickly taking off while Dorothy and the others quickly followed suit as they began to run as well.

"G-Good thinking! If we were to fight them face to face then things would have been bad! So good thinking" Dorothy spoke to Shaggy Man with a slight smile on her face while continuing to run as far away as they could; however, things weren't gonna be that easy.

"Getting away. Huh? Not on our watch! You shall become our breakfast, lunch, supper, dinner, and dessert!!" The scoodler spat out angrily before reaching for its head to take it right off.

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