Chapter 94: (Change of Plans)

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(Change of Plans)

*July 16th, 1906*

*Time Chamber*

Deep within the chamber, Dorothy, who was now 15 years old, and a bit taller due to spending a year inside, had finished her daily training with Omby Amby, and now they sat down in the wide space.

"I guess this ends today's training. I'm improving by the day!" Dorothy spoke to her master with a smile while stretching her arms which made Omby Amby smile.

"Of course, and It makes me glad to see your progress. If you keep it up then you might surpass me one of these days." Omby Amby responded with a chuckle while Dorothy chuckled back before speaking once more.

"Oh, I'm working on it. I want to protect my friends, so you better watch your back." Dorothy responded once more with a lighthearted tone before getting up from the floor so she could head to the kitchen area.

"Are you hungry? I can cook you something to eat since we haven't eaten since last week due to your training regime." Dorothy asked her master politely while she entered the kitchen to take out the materials and food needed to cook the meal.

This made Omby Amby smile as he began to get up and make his way into the kitchen area of the chamber.

"Might as well eat something, our biweekly fast is almost over so let's enjoy this meal together." Omby Amby responded while sitting down at the table as he awaited his meal.

"Wonderful. I'll make us some sandwiches, I hope you don't mind." Dorothy responded to Omby Amby once more before proceeding to prepare the two sandwiches while the man didn't mind.

"No worries. I could go for anything." Omby Amby responded kindly while he waited for his sandwich to be served.

During the next minute or so, Dorothy proceeded to make the sandwiches for herself and her training master before finally placing the finished sandwiches on the table along with a glass of grape juice.

"I hope our friends are doing okay. I know only a day has passed for them, but it still feels like an eternity.." Dorothy spoke to Omby Amby with concern in her voice while sitting down across from him so she could eat her meal.

"I'm sure they're doing okay, and we only got roughly a couple of weeks left, and we should be good. I just hope this mysterious creature is defeated by then.." Omby Amby responded with a reassuring voice that made Dorothy smile.

Dorothy proceeded to take a few bites from her sandwich before speaking again in a more upbeat tone.

"You're right, and let's continue training our hardest for the next couple of weeks, okay? I want to ensure that I'm ready to go once our year is up!" Dorothy responded joyfully, and this made Omby Amby smile.

"Sounds like a plan! I hope you are ready!" Omby Amby responded with a smirk as he was proud of Dorothy's progress during their year together in the chamber.

*Munchkin Country*

Back at Oz, Azure, who was defeated by Dion the day before, managed to wake up in a beautiful blue room which surprised him as he thought he died.

"W-Wait is going on..." Azure uttered to himself before wincing in pain and during the pain.

He felt a warm towel gently being placed on him by a young Munchkin girl.

The Munchkin's name was Ojo, and she appeared to be around the age of seventeen.

Ojo wore blue knee pants with gold buckles and blue silk stockings, a blue ruffled waist, and a jacket of bright blue braided with gold. Her blue leather shoes turned up at the pointed toes, and her hat had a peaked crown and a flat brim with a row of tiny bells.

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