Chapter 11: (The Wicked Witch of the West)

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(The Wicked Witch of the West)

*June 13th, 1900*

*Winkie Country*

*Day 11, Night*

Two days had passed since Dorothy and her friends departed from the Emerald City as they had finally arrived at Winkie Country.

Winkie Country was rather beautiful as it was filled with yellow trees and even yellow buildings however some of it were in ruins and in the center was a large castle which was home to the Wicked Witch of the West.

"W-Whoa, I'm getting awful vibes from this place, I sure hope we can make it out alive.." Dorothy had uttered out in caution as she felt Tin Woodman's hand gently being placed on her shoulder which made her smile.

"We'll be okay! We just gotta use teamwork to kill the witch, okay? Like you said back in the Emerald City, with our hearts united, nothing could stand in our way" Tin Woodman had assured Dorothy in a calm voice while Scarecrow and Cowardly Lion nodded their heads in agreement as this made Dorothy smile.

"Thank you, It's just this is such a daring task for someone like me and I just don't want anyone to get hurt but I should truly remain strong for the sake of my friends as well" Dorothy had responded back as she and her friends continued to make their way towards the castle however the were being watched by the dreadful eye who had quickly flown back to it's master who resided in the highest balcony in the castle.

*Witch's Castle*

The Wicked Witch of the West saw her trusty eye quickly returning to her staff as it fluttered around as the evil witch understood what it was trying to say.

The witch was a gaudy old hag with three braided pigtails and an eye-patch who always carried her staff which contained her evil eye who had watched EVERYTHING for her.

"I see, who DARES trespasses my land and thinks they could get away with it? Nobody I tell you! NOBODY!!" The Wicked Witch of the West had spat out in anger as she quickly made her way towards the doors while opening it with such force as this alerted the Winkies who were enslaved by the witch.

"G-Good Evening!! W-What seems to be t-t-the trouble!" The Winkie had cried out in nervousness as he awaited for further instructions as the witch simply smiled.

"Bring me my book of spells! There are trespassers in my area and I want them DEAD!! Be quick about it too! I haven't got all day!" The Wicked Witch of The West had commanded the Winkie as the poor servant quickly ran towards the location of the book of spells as a few seconds later, the Winkie had come out with a large book of spells.

"Here's your book of spells, O great Witch. It contains everything that you need to know in hopes of defeating those accursed trespassers!" The Winkie had spoken out as he handed his master the book of spells as the Wicked Witch smiled at him as she quickly went back into her balcony much to his relief.

"Now, Let's summon the wolves so they can eat those trespassers alive!! Nothing shall stand in my WAY!!" The Wicked Witch of the West had cried out with such malice as she went through her book of spells in hopes of summoning the pack of wolves as she was successful in doing so.

*Winkie Country grounds*

Dorothy and the gang continued to walk across the landscapes of the area as they could see the castle however they were still too far away from their destination.

"According to this map, we should arrive at the castle either tomorrow or the following day but it's getting awfully late so let's call it a night and rest here, does that sound good to everyone?" Tin Woodman had spoken out to the group as he folded the map and looked over to see his friends nodding their heads in agreement.

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