Chapter 25: (Dr. Nikidik's Wishing Pills)

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(Dr. Nikidik's Wishing Pills)

*December 20th, 1900*

*Winkie Country*

The Winkie Guard had heard Scarecrow's command as he quickly nodded his head and quickly allowed them to enter the castle.

"Sure! I'll get Our Majesty right this second so please make yourselves at home!" The Winkie Guard had spoken out as had quickly ran over to where Tin Woodman was currently residing leaving the gang alone in the castle.

"Well I'll say! Tin Woodman really did a number on this place! I remember how scary and old the castle was when the then Wicked Witch of the West ruled over but now it's quite fancy" Scarecrow had spoken out while observing the beautiful and yellowish castle while everyone else nodded their heads in agreement.

"I must agree on your statements as well, They say that your home is a representation of your inner self which means that Tin Woodman is a very kind being" Woggle Bug had spoken out as well as this was followed with doors being open as it was none other than Tin Woodman who had a smile on his face.

"Scarecrow! It's been quite some time since we've last seen each other! How has things been?" Tin Woodman had spoken out in joy while he and Scarecrow walked up to each other to give each other a handshake as Scarecrow began to explain everything.

"Not so good, It's a long story but to make it short, Emerald City and most of Oz has been usurped by Jinjur and her terrible army and to make matters worse, It seems that Mombi has teamed up with her as well and now we're on a journey to see Glinda, The Good Witch of the South; however, our transportation who's called Gump is flying awfully slow and is now sleep.." Scarecrow had explained to his friend as thoroughly and carefully as possible while Tin Woodman nodded his head in understandment before deciding on what he shall do next.

"That's terrible! I always had a feeling that Mombi was gonna try something but I can help you guys but first, what's the names of your new friends, I believe I know the young boy since I do recall Dorothy helping him a few months ago" Tin Woodman had responded back while looking over at Tip and the others as the trio had began to introduce themselves.

"My name Is Tip, pleased to meet you and thank you in advance for assisting us in getting Gump to flying faster" Tip had spoken out while he nudged Jack Pumpkinhead's shoulder as it was his turn to introduce himself.

"And my name is Jack Pumpkinhead, I was created by Tip just one day ago but I hope my presence won't annoy you or anything" Jack Pumpkinhead had spoken out as well while bowing in respect as finally, It was Woggle Bug's turn to introduce himself.

"My name is Mr Highly Magnified Woggle-Bug, Thoroughly Educated so don't wear my name out" Woggle Bug had spoken out while tipping his hat as a sign of respect while this brought a smile to Tin Woodman's face.

"Such wonderful people and since we got the introductions out of the way, I'm willing to assist you guys on your journey but first, we should see a very special doctor who was in fact the Wicked Witch of the West's personal doctor.." Tin Woodman had spoken out as this seemed to have caught Tip's attention as he had an expression of surprise.

"W-Wait?! Don't tell me we're gonna see HIM?!" Tip had spoken out in awestruck as Tin Woodman nodded his head indicating that he knew who the boy was referring to.

"Yes, we're gonna see Dr. Nikidik! He's a bit of a crook; however, if you get on his good side then we might just be able to convince him to help us" Tin Woodman had spoken out while Tip was taken back by this as he began to speak.

"But he lives in the Gillikin Country which is located in the north! It's gonna take us days to arrive.." Tip had objected; however Tin Woodman wasn't fazed by this as he began to reveal more things about him.

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