Chapter 17: (Lion, King of the Beasts)

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(Lion, King of the Beasts)

*July 18th, 1900*

*Day 38, Night*

The gang had walked across the dark forest as they had eventually ran into a couple of animals consisting of a tiger, squirrel, bear, and other such creatures as they looked over to see their new travels.

"Good Evening, could you tell us the way out of this forest? We're here to see Glinda, The Good Witch of the South" Dorothy had asked the creatures in a polite tone of voice as the tiger began to speak.

"Good Evening, and I'm afraid we don't know since we've never really explored this forest due to a terrible giant spider who rules this area with an iron fist, It's terrible indeed!" The Tiger had responded back in a fearful tone of voice as this made everyone eyes widen as this was the exact same terrible beast whom the China Doll Princess had warned them about as Cowardly Lion began to speak.

"Giant spider? I have some courage in me so how could I help? If I can kill the spider than you guys will be freed, right?" Cowardly Lion had asked the Tiger as the creature nodded his head in agreement as he had a smile on his face while Scarecrow began to speak out.

"Lion is right, I've heard that Lions are king of the beasts so this is a good chance for him to showcase his mighty courage" Scarecrow had spoken out as everyone was in full agreement of Cowardly Lion taking care of the beast as an Elephant began to speak out.

"Then it shall be decided! The Lion shall set forth and kill the beast and if he does, then He shall be crowned King of the Beasts!" The Elephant had spoken out as the animals and everyone else erupted in cheers of praises of joy while Cowardly Lion was ready to face off against the terrible beast.

"Good luck!!" Dorothy had cried out in full support of her friend as she saw Cowardly Lion beginning his journey to find the giant spider by walking towards the direction which consisted of spider-webs until he was gone from sight.

"I have a feeling that Lion might actually pull this off.." Tin Woodman had spoken out in a tone of confidence as he and the others awaited for Cowardly Lion's return.


Cowardly Lion was roaming the dark forest for a few minutes until he stopped in his tracks due to hearing a terrible laughter followed by sounds of clanking and to his shock, the Giant Spider was right behind him as it had a huge grin.

Its legs were quite as long and its body covered with coarse black hair. It had a great mouth, with a row of sharp teeth a foot long; but its head was joined to the pudgy body by a neck as slender as a wasp's waist.

"And who are you? I've never seen any Lions around this area, do you intend to die or do you want to live?" The Giant Spider had asked Cowardly Lion in a polite yet threatening tone of voice as its twelve eyes focused on its prey with great intensity; however, Cowardly Lion didn't back down as he stood firm in his place.

"My name is Lion, I was sent here to kill you and free these poor creatures from your terrible rule" Cowardly Lion had responded back as this caused the Giant Spider to cackle with laughter as he had found this to be quite idiotic.

"Oh? You intend to kill me? Well, I WOULD LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY!!!" The Giant Spider had cried out as he used one of his legs to quickly smack his opponent with great intensity as Cowardly Lion was sent flying back while he had hit some branches in the process as he cried out in pain before he collapsed on the ground.

"H-He's fast! I gotta find a way to conquer his speed but HOW?" Cowardly Lion had spoken out in surprise.

He looked over to see the terrible creature quickly approaching him with such speed as it used its large legs to deliver another hard blow towards the Cowardly Lion as he was sent knocking back once more before collapsing on the ground.

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