Chapter 87: (Puzzles and Mittens)

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(Puzzles and Mittens)

*July 15th, 1906*


Sawhorse escorted the gang across the beautiful green valley that had three different paths with a single sign.

"Here's where we turn. Ozma thought it would be nice for everyone to meet the Fuddles. I heard they're nice people." Omby Amby told everyone while the gang nodded understandably while Aunt Em turned over to Dorothy and asked her a question.

"Dorothy, what are Fuddles? More paper things perhaps?" Aunt Em curiously asked Dorothy while the young girl shrugged her shoulders with uncertainty.

"I don't think so, Aunt Em. I believe we'll find out once we arrive at our destination, and we should know from there." Dorothy politely responded while Aunt Em nodded understandably.

During this, Polychrome would look ahead and notice a site that would capture her attention as she began to speak out.

"Hey, I think I see something crying ahead, we should check on them to see if they're okay.." Polychrome advised the others while pointing at whoever was crying.

The thing that was crying was a blue kangaroo with stripes, and this seemed to have captured everyone's attention.

"I-Is that a Kangaroo crying? I wonder why they're upset.." Dorothy uttered in a sympathetic voice while the chariot that was carried by Sawhorse slowly got closer to the crying kangaroo.

"Boo-Hoo! Boo-Hoo! I-It seems I've lost..m-m-Oh Boo-Hoo" The Blue Kangaroo spoke to herself while continuing to weep to herself in sadness while Polychrome leaned forward to get a closer look.

"What's the matter, Kangaroo? Did you lose something valuable? We could help if you want." Polychrome asked the creature curiously while waiting for an answer from the Kangaroo.

"I-I lost my m-mittens. It was knitted by Grandmother Knit, a kind old woman, but now I lost them.."
The Blue Kangaroo responded with sadness in her voice while Dorothy looked back with sympathy before speaking to the creature.

"How terrible, we're on our way to Fuddlecumjig so perhaps she could make you another one if she lives in the town. You may want to hop with us, okay?" Dorothy responded with a warm smile as this quickly lightened up the Kangaroo's spirits.

"How wonderful! I haven't seen her in days so I'll happily join you people." The Blue Kangaroo responded to Dorothy once more with joy in her voice as she began to follow the chariot.

The Blue Kangaroo would happily hop alongside the chariot that was carried by Sawhorse for a few minutes before finally settling upon Fuddlecumjig.

The town had a beautiful lush blue color to it with the buildings, trees, etc being a royal blue color.

"We arrived at last, but we must be careful. The Fuddles are made in small pieces, and when strangers such as ourselves come near they fall apart and scatter, and it's quite troublesome to put them back together.." Omby Amby warned everyone in a cautious tone while Dorothy and the others nodded understandably.

"Alright, let's figure out where Grandmother Knit is located, she should be around somewhere." Dorothy spoke out as she and the gang began venturing into the town.

The gang would walk across the time for a few minutes while being extra careful; however, a loud clatter sound could be heard from a nearby house, alerting the gang.

"What in the world happened here? It sounds like a hail storm or something." Uncle Henry uttered in surprise while The Blue Kangaroo nodded in agreement.

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