Chapter 15: (Oz's Identity Revealed)

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(Oz's Identity Revealed)

*July 15th, 1900*

*Emerald City*

*Day 34, Morning* 

Dorothy and her friends had finally returned to the Emerald City with the help of the Winged Monkeys as the crowds of people had seen this with wonder and awestruck.

"So, you wanna be dropped off in front of the palace, right?" The Winged Monkey leader had asked Dorothy as the young girl nodded her head as the gang were dropped off in front of the palace.

"Thank you so much! You guys have been such a help!" Dorothy had cried out to the Winged Monkeys as she and her friends bidded the monkeys farewell as they quickly flew away from the scene as the gang was now ready to see the great wizard as a voice called out to them.

"Dorothy and friends, Oz will be very pleased to see you guys, He's heard of the news that the Wicked Witch is dead, and please excuse my rudeness for not introducing myself but my name is Jellia Jamb, one of Oz's most loyal servants.." Jellia Jamb had spoken out in a polite tone of voice while bowing to show a sign of respect.

Jellia Jamb was a young woman in her twenties and was dressed in a pretty green silk gown, with green satin sashes and also had lovely green hair, green glasses, and green eyes as the sight of this made Dorothy surprised.

"Wow, You're green! Just like some of the people in Oz!" Dorothy had spoken out while Jellia chuckled at the comment before speaking once more.

"Of course, most people in Oz have green hair or wearing green but let's not waste time, the great Oz is expecting all of you and I don't want to make you guys late so if you kindly follow me" Jellia Jamb had spoken back to Dorothy in a polite tone of voice as she and the gang entered the palace before entering the Oz's palace room as there was sheer excitement.

"Mr Oz, I've brought the heroic people who had killed the Wicked Witch..." Jellia Jamb had spoken while bowing as Oz's giant head appeared through the wall as it began to speak in a booming yet calm voice.

"Good, You may go now while I speak to Dorothy and her friends.." Oz had commanded her as Jellia Jamb nodded her head before getting up to leave the room thus leaving Dorothy and her friends alone with the wizard.

"Good Sir, we've defeated the witch like you asked so would you grant our requests..." Dorothy had spoken out in a polite tone of voice while Scarecrow and the others had nodded their heads in agreement as Oz had thought about it for a moment before deciding on an answer.

"I've heard about it; however, I'm unable to grant your wishes at the moment so come back tomorrow or maybe next week!" Oz had spoken out to the gang as this shocked the gang as they were promised that their wishes would come true if they were to defeat the witch.

"W-What do you mean?! You promised us that you'll grant our wishes and you just back out!?" Scarecrow had cried out in confusion while Cowardly Lion angrily roared at the wizard while Dorothy and Tin Woodman were shocked as well.

"B-But, we defeated the witch like you said! Why do we have to wait until tomorrow! What was the whole point of summoning us!" Dorothy had cried out to Oz as she could feel herself becoming more angry at this nonsense while Tin Woodman began to speak up.

"Dorothy is right, what do you intend to do with us if you're not gonna keep your end of the bargain?" Tin Woodman had spoken out while Oz simply laughed at what he just heard before speaking out.

"I'M OZ!! MY NEW ORDERS ARE FOR YOU GUYS TO WAIT!!" Oz had screamed back in a booming voice of annoyance as this had made Toto jump in fear as he started to whimper which made Dorothy very angry.

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